Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 Saving People

    The streets in the town are very short, and it only takes ten minutes to walk from the east end of the street to the west end. There is a supply and marketing cooperative, a grain and oil store on both sides of the street, a veterinary station on the corner, and a small clinic hidden behind the supply and marketing cooperative. In other stores, the doors were ajar, and it was difficult to see what they were doing.

    The weather has already fallen, but it has only been a short while, Su Jinyan is already sweating thickly, the town is extremely simple, Xiaohua lost interest after a short while, looking at Su Jinyan full of With sweat on her forehead, she realized that the sun had come up for a long time, and Big Brother Su actually accompanied her for a long time under the sun without complaining.

    She pulled Su Jinyan's sleeve embarrassedly: "Brother Su, let's go back, the sun is getting bigger."

    Su Jinyan nodded, and planned to take Xu Xiaohua back with the things he bought today.

    If you hold something in your hand for a while, your palm will be sweaty. It was so hot that I wished I could shrink the ground into feet, and immediately went home and hid in the air-conditioned room.

    But Su Jinyan also knows, where is there an air conditioner in this era? Even if there is, he can't use it.

    However, since the air conditioner can't be used, he can consider buying a bicycle, which will make it much more convenient to go anywhere in the future. If he has a bicycle, he can put things on the bicycle today and go back with a small flower. Where does he need to walk back in the sun?

    It's just a pity that he doesn't have a bike ticket. However, he took this matter to heart and planned to go back and go to Qian Guodong to ask him if he had a bicycle ticket. If he had, he could exchange it for another ticket.

    Su Jinyan took Xu Xiaohua on the small road back home. The road was air-dried soil. The rammed and rammed, the road is lined with rice fields, and there is a crooked neck tree ten meters apart in the gap. Two people who are tired from walking can sit and rest for a while under the shade of a tree.

    "Ding bell bell~" The bell of the bicycle came from a distance, but before the two of them saw anyone, they heard a bang and the sound of the bicycle falling to the ground.

    Su Jinyan and Xu Xiaohua, who were resting under the shade of the tree, immediately stood up.

    Su Jinyan glanced around and instructed Xiaohua: "You wait here, I'll go take a look."

    Xu Xiaohua heard the words and sat back to her place obediently. Su Jinyan ran in the direction of the sound.

    He soon saw the middle-aged man lying on the ground.

    I saw that this man was sweating profusely but his face was pale, his limbs were twitching unconsciously, and his mind was not very clear.

    No, it's heat stroke!

    Su Jinyan immediately carried the man to the shade of the tree, and Xiaohua immediately let the shade out of the shade when she saw Su Jinyan came back alone.

    "Brother Su, what's wrong with this man?"

    Su Jinyan placed the man flat in the shade and raised his feet by about 20 cm: "This man has a heat stroke, Xiaohua, take out the fan you just bought. Fan him." As

    he instructed Xiaohua, he unbuttoned the man's clothes. He picked up the towel he had prepared for wiping sweat, poured a little water on it and put it on the man's forehead.

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