Fourteen: State of Grace

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As December wears on, everything seems to be escalating at double the pace. Our schedules are all over the place: work is starting to wrap up for the holidays and shit is hitting the fan at my end, whilst Lin has been busy promoting two projects at the same time with barely enough time to breathe. The holidays couldn't arrive sooner.

But one afternoon while I'm at the office, finalizing a report for my superiors before they run away on vacation, my phone lights up with a text from Lin, telling me he's just landed back in the city and asking if I can get out early enough to meet him after work. I respond with an affirmative and we quickly agree on a time; just the promise of seeing him puts an extra pep in my step for the next few hours. We need to talk about the whole Vanessa situation and I know I'll need to behave, but honestly, I've missed him far more than I should...

As soon as I've hit send on the completed report, I pull on my coat and set my hair free from its haphazard I-need-to-work bun, combing through my waves with my fingers to look somewhere near presentable. I dart straight into the elevator and impatiently jab the button, earning a disdainful glare from a grey-haired man in a suit stood in the corner. I glower back at him, mocking; though my job is a means rather than an end, I miss no opportunity to make my repulsion clear to those who perpetuate the inherent racism and sexism that still exist here, even if that does just entail staring daggers at the white patriarchy on most days. Small steps, right?

The elevator journey couldn't end sooner. As soon as we hit the ground floor, I step out of the elevator and all the world's bullshit fades into the background when I spot Lin standing outside, already waiting for me with that adorable sunshine smile of his. He gives a little wave when he sees me through the glass doors of the office lobby. I bolt straight for the exit and and leap into his arms the moment I'm close enough, letting him lift me off the ground slightly, with my face buried in the fleece of his winter coat; he hands me a single red rose as we draw back, all blushes and smiles.

I feel like I could fly - but for him, I'd happily stay on the ground.

"Hey, you," Lin whispers, tucking a lock of my hair behind my ear. I giggle, leaning into his touch - the world simply feels like a blur in the background when we're together.

"Hey! What's this all about?" I ask playfully, making an exaggerated show of examining the rose.

"Just walked past a flower stall." He shrugs, "It's pretty, you're pretty, fuck the poetry, I just figured, why not?"

"Fuck the poetry, huh? God, Lin, you're annoyingly sweet." I pout, punctuating the question with a quick peck to his cheek.

"Who you callin' sweet?" he asks with a devilish smirk, and before I can hit back with some witty remark, he suddenly pulls me into an alley between the office building and the tower next door, looking both ways to make sure no-one else is around before he roughly yet carefully pushes me up against the brick wall, trapping me with his knee between my legs.

My glasses are slightly askew and I adjust them to look up at him, equal measures of excited and terrified. Maybe I'm overdramatic or maybe I've just watched way too many movies, but there's something about this whole alley fantasy that has me hooked; he's already setting off fireworks within me and he definitely knows it.

A smirk plays on Lin's lips before he leans down to kiss me, his tongue insistently swiping at my lips as his hands grip my waist, my arms around his neck. He pulls back just far enough to whisper, "You have no idea how much I missed you, princesa..."

"It's only been a week," I tease, but then I stop short. I could swear I feel someone watching us, but surely there are enough people walking around minding their own business that our presence in this alley shouldn't concern any of them. Right?

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