River That Flows

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A/N: Can you think of a better title?


It was 11 in the morning. Benton had just finished his work and is ready to go home. Just when he passed by a room, he heard some noises.
One was a candy rapper being taken off and the other is the sound of chocolate being chewed. Out of curiosity, he opened the door to find the room being dark and the only
source of light was from a TV that's on.

The gray haired man slowly walked in with stealth. He was led to a couch with a mess of candy rappers on the floor and a bunch of cans and bottles of soda and other energy drinks.
The Aquos brawler soon noticed the digester of the food and drinks that were previously mentioned. Sitting there, was a boy who looked like a 16 year old with night blue hair and bluebell eyes. His attire consists of a parka with elbow length sleeves that's the same color as his hair with pull strings that are the same color as the highlights in his hair. He also wore same type of denim jeans Dan wears and black and white sneakers.

"Wade, what are you doing here at a time like this?" Benton asked.
"Not much privacy at home and this is the only place I could think of at the moment." He replied. Dusk saw his eye bags and chocolate marks near his mouth.

"You know, that's not good for you..."

"Sugar cures depression"

The man stopped for a minute. Counting all the ripped candy rappers along with the bottles and cans, this guy got major issues.

"Wade, you're not okay. I think you need a therapist-"

"No, I don't."

The boy was being stubborn as usual.
Benton wished there was a way to help the poor little guy. That's when you know who began to talk.

"Worrying about me is a waste of time."

NOW he really wants to help him.
The younger Aquos brawler was
always there to save the AO like the rest of the wonders. But of course, all six of them are stubborn and think about the AB's safety instead of their own.

Benton can relate to that. He cares about them because they make his dreams come true. But at least he knows to care about himself too.
Wade noticed the look on his face then sighed. He turned the TV off, got up and began to clean up his mess.
The grayette took notice of this quickly and helped right away.

Soon, it was midnight. Both Aquos brawlers went home. Ready for the next day's adventure.

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