My Opinion on Ships

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Me: Alright. Let's get this started.

1) MagDan

Me: This is very famous.  Probably the entire fandom ships it. I have to admit... I don't. If you want to hate me, I have an explanation.

Me: It's a rival ship. Yes, I know there are a lot of reasons why Magdan is shippable. But not to me. iN mY oPinIoN, you may see them as a good team. But that's called teamwork. Not love. Some people are better off as best friends or friends. Hey, don't be roasting or hating.


2) DanShun

Me: In Battle Planet, it's what a lot of people ships. Even I do. But in Armored Alliance, I like ShunNoah.
Now in Evolutions, he's with Ajit.


3) Everett x Lia

Me: Yes, they are filmers. They have a connection with each other. But love?
Yeah, I don't know. But if it's a semi-canon ship as in Everett liking Lia, that is acceptable. Obviously, she doesn't like him back cause it's semi-canon.


4) ShunNoah

Me: Yep, but I think it's over. Cause Shun could probably have a thing for Ajit.


5) Wynton x Jenny

Me: Hell yes.


6) AtheLia

Me: Let's see. Lia and Athena hanging out a lot (probably 24//7). And the one that got my attention was when Veronica reveals that Lia was telling her A LOT about Athena. Of course she was blushing.

I also remembered the line "Are you going easy on me Lia?" By Athena when they were battling.


7) Benton x Kravitz

Me: Yeah, I think that could work. Wonder what's Philomena's reaction to this.


8) Benton x Masato

Me: So Benton is Bi now? And I litterally can't find anyone else except Kravits. So I guess this will do... I think? I barely see them interact.
(He thought he was talking to Masato but it was Haavik in that episode)


9) Ajit x Shun

Me: I said it twice, I'll say it again. They are probably together.


10) Dan x Emily

Me: Hmm. Obviously no. In Armored Alliance was shippable but not anymore in Evolutions.


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