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The unknown characters are my OCs btw.

Haavik: Hello there readers! It is me THE GREATEST ENTERTAINER IN THE UNIVERSE!!!

Wade: You said that a thousand of times already.

Ember: So shut up.

Haavik: Such moodiness. If only I could mind control you right now if you weren't somehow immune to it.

Lilith:*sticks out tongue* That's right.

Lucifer: Take that L you lose!

Haavik: ...

Haavik: Let's get on with the show! This chapter is all about adventures with me! So for this episode, we shall be using Shun Kazami and Noah Schidmt as entertainment of the day!

Elan: Should we feel guilty...?

Goldie: Nah, everything will be fine!

Lilith: As long as they don't know it was us of course!

Haavik: Let the show begin!

Noah: Lilith?

Lilith: Yeah?

Shun: Why are we in this large room?

Lilith: I have something prepared for you guys. So stay here, I'll be right back!

The darkus brawler left the room and locked it. Shun decided to start a conversation with Noah.

Shun: What do you think is gonna happen?

Noah: I don't know. *Looks around*

Suddenly, he felt someone pinned him to the ground. Noah looked up to see Shun.

Noah: Sh-shun?!

The silver haired boy saw Kazami's  flashing yellow eyes before he widened his.

Shun: Noah-kun~

Noah: H-huh?

A/N: No, this is not lemons/lime. So get that out of your head if you thought of it.

The leader of the Glanz 4 cringed at that sentence whilst the awesome brawler tackled him to the ground. Meanwhile, in the security room.

Haavik: *laughs maniacally* THIS IS GOING SO WELL!!!

Lilith: Totally saving this as a video ʘ‿ʘ

~Back to ShunNoah~

Noah was flustered as Shun was hugging and snuggling him while purring.

It is quite obvious he was mind controlled to act like a.... cat. Most likely, a neko.

The real question is, "How was he mind controlled in the first place?". That was his question considering he doesn't see anyone else or any device that can cause hypnosis.

The silverette struggled in hopes of getting free, but the Aquos brawler was just to clingy.

Noah sighed in defeat and waited for the affects to wear off or someone to help put an end to the situation.

After a whole hour like this, Haavik snaps his fingers then Shun was back to normal.

When he looked around his surroundings, he began to blush profusely and let go of a certain boy.

Shun: I'm so sorry Noah! I didn't know what I was doing!

Noah: It's fine! You were under someone's control!

Shun: What?! Really?!

The two boys began to discuss about what happened. Haavik was laughing while Lilith saved the video.

~Time skip~

The rich boys were bored of waiting for Lilith. But out of the blue, the cloud began hugging the Japanese boy's torso.

Shun blushing: N-noah?

Noah: *smirks* Why don't we continue cuddling baby~?

Shun: W-wha—?

That's when his eyes noticed the other's. They were glowing yellow and only one person, no...alien can do that.

Shun stood up ignoring the clingy boy.

Shun: Haavik! Where are you hiding?!

The door opened slowly to reveal "The Greatest Entertainer in the Universe".
Shun glared at him while Noah was  just there hugging him.

Shun: You also did this to me didn't you?

Haavik: You know me so well :)
*Snaps fingers*

Before the blonde could react, he immediately became under the alien's control.

He began to look back at Schidmt and hugged him back. In conclusion, they both were on the floor having a huge cuddle.

Lilith peaking: *Takes out her phone & takes pictures*

They both left the room to leave them alone. Haavik grinned at the forth wall.

Haavik: That is all for this episode! Stay tuned!

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