Chapter One: Lost and Found

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(This takes place right after episode nine)

Jakes POV:

I don't know how to describe the feeling whelming up inside me. Guilt? Anger? Grief? Maybe a mix of it all? I start to sob as I'm on my knees in the room where I was once welcomed. That stupid audio, I should have never said those things. They convinced me I was being used. I was too dumb to realize the truth behind the actions they were taking. I don't know what to think anymore. My family, where I felt accepted, they all hate me to peices. All over that stupid recording. Who even sent them that recording anyway? Who wanted to ruin me life? Why did they all leave so fast over a misunderstanding? All these questions, yet no answers. My thought process gets interrupted by a familiar voice.


I look up to see my best friend, Drew. For what feels like the first time in years, he looked like he cared. He usually hides that side of him.

As the magenta haired boy walked closer to me, I felt useless. I felt like I couldn't move. I just kept crying. I was expecting him to call me a wimp or make fun of me in some other way like the usual, but he didn't. He kneeled down in front of me and made me look at him.

"Jake.. I saw Hailey running away crying.. what happened..?"

I explained to Drew the situation, down to every last detail. Drew actually looked concerned. I expected him to be behind this all, but I don't think he was. The sound of his voice showed he cared and wants me to be happy, he wouldn't do this. He pulls me into a hug and I start to cry harder into his shoulder. I cried for a solid five minutes before calming down. He then helped me up and told me that I am going to sleep at his place, like the old times with Henry and Liam. I chuckle through my tears a bit as I remember the old memories that we have at Drew's place. I see Drew smile because of the fact I'm cheering up already so I smiled back. He continues to bring me back to our last period class, history.

3rd POV:

As the bell sounds for the end of the day, the Jomies walked out and Jake went home to collect his things. Henry, Liam, and Drew took Drew's limo to his house because they already dropped off their stuff at Drew's that morning. They talked about how they could cheer Jake up about the whole situation he is stuck in. After a bit of taking, Drew had an idea.

"What if we joined the band competition!?" Drew exclaimed as the other two looked at him.

"Are you sure? I mean we bullied the fre- I mean music club because of it?" Liam responded as he rubbed his neck.

"Okay well yeah we did do that but Jake wants to sing! He wants to be at the top of that competition! We accidentally ruined his one shot at it, it's only fair we give him another one." Drew explained as a sad look spread across his face.

They then arrived at Drew's place and told the driver to go pick up Jake while the three boys went up to Drew's room. They discussed maybe having Drew and Jake write a song for Jake to sing. Henry tried singing but he failed completely and decided that maybe he should just stick to the electric guitar. Henry learned it awhile back to try to impress Lia but turns out she isn't into guitarists, and is in actuality into singers. Liam knew how to play the piano pretty well as well because his parents have enforced it on him since he was just a little boy. Drew knew how to play the Violin because of all the free time in his childhood that he's spent on it. Drew also knew how to sing, but he's in denial about it. Even if he knew how good he was he wouldn't have told the others anyway.

It's Monday and they have until Friday to perfect the song and go against The Club and everyone else in the competition. Drew and Liam moved all the instruments around in Drew's sound proof music room so that they could surprise Jake, and Henry just sat and watched because they all knew that he wouldn't do anything even if prompted to.

As Jake arrived at Drew's house, Drew's maid welcomed him in. The two walked upstairs; Ms Danai dropped off Jake's stuff in Drew's room and Jake went searching for his friends. He eventually spots Drew down the hallway waving for him and we Jake caught up he was lead to a room he hasn't seen before. When Drew opens the door, you can see Henry and Liam practicing on their designated instruments and a microphone waiting for Jake.

They had decided to write the song. Jake had a love song idea in mind; Drew was going to object but Jake had such a wide smile on his face and so he just couldn't bring himself to. After about two hours, the two stood proudly before their work. Henry and Liam came over and were astonished. After a while, Jake spoke.

"Well? Let's get practicing, right guys? We only have until Friday to make this perfect."

"Yeah!" Henry and Liam shouted, and Drew nodded and smiled in agreement.

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