Chapter 34 || Kusuo's POV

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I stepped up to the mount in the ground. Glancing at my watch, I confirmed that it was about the time to happen. Mt. Owari, a volcano in Japan, was about to explode. It would be the eruption that would destroy all of Japan. If I wanted to keep Y/n by my side, I had to make sure I took care of this nuisance once and for all.

Well, there was still over an hour left. I decided to practice to take my mind off the anxiety and unease of my previous affairs. By doing this, I decided to ponder my thoughts... How could I read Y/n's mind? Was it going to be like this from now on? Sure I felt more at ease knowing what everyone was thinking l, but it was somehow different with her. Not being able to sense what she was doing next, I kind of liked the unpredictable. Now, I know what you're thinking. That's out of character for you, Saiki. Well, trust me, I know. But honestly, reading her mind scared me more.


That's the word that raced in her mind as she turned to face me. That word.. scared me. Had I just made my first friend? Y/n was something you regulars would call special, to me. But I wasn't sure I wanted to ruin that.

I shook my head, striking a bolder with my left fist then proceeding to dodge the spearhead fragments that rained down on me. Why was she thinking about love?Had she fallen for me? I didn't want to hurt her. Good grief. She didn't understand who she was talking to. Sure she knew my powers, but not even to the full extent. As for my friendship? I was only growing close to her in order to maintain control over my life and my friends.

And I was right, she was a threat. She may not be evil, but she has strong powers, even of which I hardly understand. She could barely contain them herself so there was no telling what she'd do without me. Without me... I didn't want to abandon her. Could she hold her own? No, Kusuo. Of course she could. She didn't need me. And I didn't need her.

A spearhead shot me in the shoulder and I winced with pain, teleporting out of rain range to tend to the wound. Come on, Kusuo, you've got to get it together. Damn it, she was screwing with my head. Was this her ultimate tactic? Why was I feeling this rushing sensation in my heart, this clammy feelings in my hands? I sighed, sitting down on a piece of what was left of my distracting destruction. I ran a hand through my pink hair.

I didn't need Y/n, but for some strange reason I wanted her. Wanted her by my side... For reasons I can't explain. Maybe because I'd just found someone who completed me. We were both freaks. Awkward and unlucky. Yet we were different, she was sensitive, shy at first then open, and I was cold, though I may have gotten... A little less harder on those idiots you'd call friends.

Speaking of them, I decided to have a look on how things were going with my clone. I'd sent him to fill in my place while I took care of this. Hopefully he was behaving himself.

Using clairvoyance, I peeked into the sight of Saiki Clone #2. I'd tested my abilities by seeing how many I could make and they pretty much stopped being intelligible at #37. The more I made, the more... Special they became. The beginning ones popped out with their own quirks, such as being bald or running like Naruto. Some didn't even look human. Random, I know.

Anyways, I used clairvoyance to look into my clones vision. The scene that laid out before me wasn't of the school. He was... walking away?? I gripped the rock I was sitting in and accidentally shattered it. I stood up and brushed the crumbs off my pants. Focusing more, I read the clones mind.

Mmm, I really want some strawberry pound cake right now.

"Hey buddy, where ya go"

Oh great. Now Nendou was failing me.

Clone #3 continued walking .. where exactly? Oh. A convenience store was up ahead. I sighed. This clone was supposed to do what I said but then again they did have minds if their own. I sent him a telepathic message to return to school and distract Y/n.

"She already left," he said.

"What do you mean?"

"Her and Aiura Mikoto left school a half an hour ago."

Great. Even my own clones were useless. Where could they be?

Suddenly the ground rumbled. I had to focus on. My plan before them. Besides, it was possible they were heading to my house if they had figured out that Saiki K at school was merely a clone. Y/n was smart so I knew it was a possibility. Either way, I'm sure they couldn't find me here. She couldn't quite get the handle on clairvoyance yet. I shook my head. Enough about Y/n. Focus on the plan. This would take as much energy as I could muster to defeat it once and for all. For her.

. . . . . . . .

A/n: tysm for reading. I'm getting better and I hope my writing quality and quantity can increase as well please vote, comment, and follow. Chapter saiki pic:

Happy reading!

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