The Demon Among The Angels

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The boy sat bolt upright in his bed, his heart was racing and he was sweating.

He took a deep breath and sighed.

Another nightmare.

It was still dark outside his window, though he couldn't see moon from the angle of the window.

The boy swung his feet over the edge of his bed and ran a shaky hand through his hair before he stood up and made his way to the kitchen, using the stone walls to guide him down the passage.

He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the cabinet before placing it under the water faucet in the sink.

He filled the glass and slowly took a sip of the cold water.

He leaned back against the counter, his gaze drifting towards a mirror on the wall.

With his night vision, the boy could clearly see himself in the mirror.

He was quite tall with a slender but strong build and pale skin. His hair was unkempt and colored a light platinum-blonde, it was styled in an undercut with the sides a dark brown. His eyes were a rich golden-brown like the color of honey and they stared coldly into the reflective surface of the mirror.

On the top of his head was a pair of fox-like ears that were dark brown, and behind him were a set of eight identical fox-like tails that were a dark brown as well.

He hadn't been sleeping well, and that was made very evident by the dark bags under his eyes.

The nightmares were really taking their toll.

He heard the creak of a door and footsteps, he knew who it was though.

As expected, his brother walked into the room, clearly surprised to see him awake.

"Tsumu?" His brother called.

The kitsune, Miya Atsumu, let his eyes drift over to his brother.

His brother was quite a bit taller than him, with a much more muscular build. He had tanned skin and spikey jet-black that partially hid one of his eyes from view, their color being a warmth-filled light hazelnut-brown.

On his head were a pair of black cat-like ears and he had a long cat-like tail that grew out from his lower back.

"Mhm?" Atsumu responded.

His brother sighed, "Can't sleep?"

Atsumu's gaze drifted to the floor, "I... I had another nightmare," he replied quietly.

His brother's facial features softened as he stepped closer to Atsumu, "Was it of that day?" He asked.

Atsumu gulped and nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

His brother, seeing the state Atsumu was in, opened his arms to initiate a hug, which the kitsune immediately accepted.

"Tetsu..." Atsumu said softly, just above a whisper.

His brother, Kuroo Tetsurou, only shushed him and ran a comforting hand through Atsumu's hair.

Atsumu gripped into Tesurou's shirt tightly, "I-I just miss 'em, Tetsu..." He said.

"I know... I know you do, but there's nothing you can do besides live for them, Tsumu," Tetsurou replied.

Atsumu let out a shaky breath and nodded.

After that, Atsumu left the kitchen and walked back to his room while Tetsurou gazed at him worriedly from behind.

Atsumu lied down in his bed and stared up at the blank ceiling.

It had been three years since he first arrived in the kingdom of Isaron, taken in by the king and queen, and adopted by the parents of the head knight of the royal guard.

It had been three years since the eradication of the yokai, three years since his mother and brother were brutally murdered in their family home, and three years since he'd ran for his life in the forest on the outskirts of the kingdom of Demoria.

Three years of not being able to unsee the image that no fourteen-year-old should have ever seen.

The young kitsune woke up in an unfamiliar room, he was alone, though it wasn't long before the door creaked open.

"I see you're awake," came a smooth and warm voice from the door.

The kitsune's eyes drifted towards the figure moving towards the bed.

The boy was tall and slender with pale skin. He had fluffy jet-black hair and turquoise eyes.

He was dressed in royal garments and on his back were a pair of large black feathered wings, similarly shaped to those of an owl.

He sat down next to the bed, causing the kitsune to back away until his back hit the wall.

The winged-boy smiled softly, "Relax, I'm not going to hurt you," he said as he offered a hand to the young kitsune, "My name is Akaashi Keiji, soon to be queen of Isaron," he said, introducing himself.

The kitsune peered curiously at Keiji, "Boys can be queens?" He asked innocently.

Keiji chuckled, "You can be anything you want to be."

The kitsune crept away from the wall and closer to Keiji, "But ya look so young to be a queen?" He said in confusion.

Keiji nodded with a small smile, "I'm eighteen years of age, and I'm not queen yet," he chuckled.

"Oh..." The kitsune answered.

"So how did you get so far away from your kingdom, little yokai?" Keiji asked.

Keiji's smiled dropped as the boy began to tremble and clutch his knees to his chest tightly.

"M-my mom an' my brother were- They were killed... By- By the knights," he answered shakily.

"What?" Keiji asked softly.

The kitsune sniffled, "All the yokai- They were killed by the knights... I escaped," he explained.

"The knights? Of the royal guard?" Keiji asked quickly, earning a nod from the young boy.

Keiji sighed, "My deepest sympathies for your losses, little yokai..." He said softly, "May I get your name?"

The kitsune nodded, "Thank ya... An' it's Atsumu... Miya Atsumu."

Keiji's facial features softened, "Alright, Atsumu, let's get you cleaned up, shall we?"

Keiji stood up and beckoned for Atsumu to follow him, to which the boy hesitantly obeyed.

Keiji led Atsumu out of the room and down the hall towards a bathroom, where he left the kitsune with a fresh change of clothes and a clean towel before leaving.

Atsumu stared blankly at the ceiling of his bedroom while he let the memories of his first moments in Isaron pass by.

Three years ago, he, a yokai, was accepted by the citizens of Isaron, the kingdom of light, and now he was one of the very few demons living among the angels.

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Not me casually listening to Saints by Echos while writing this-

Anygays, bye!

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