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A/N: Hey there. It's been more than two weeks since the last update sorry
(  ̄ ∀  ̄ ; )ゞ
I've been really busy with my exams but now that it's finished I'm going to try being more regular.
Well enjoy the chapter !!

The group then looked at Alberu who was also aware of this intel.

'Then it means that right now one of them is lying !'


*Hi dear visitors!
Glad to see you had a safe trip.*

The group was now around the book prepared to look at the memories. They all seemed ready.

"Bob " calmly and quietly said the silver cat.
"You better show us the truth this time !"

She had a smile on her face. However it was said in a really cold tone.

*Ah ah ... (°▽°)
Umm it seems like all preparations have been done. Now you only have to use the key.*

The little blob placed his paw on the book.

Suddenly a huge screen appeared above the memoir. It was way larger and bigger than the one of communication device.

Only silence was heard.

Soon a small figure appeared on the screen.
It was a little kid with red hair. He was running while trying to catch a butterfly.

'Cale Henituse'
They all thought.

Ron was taken with nostalgia, he remembered his small puppy-like master.

The boy caught the butterfly in his hand. He then ran towards someone else.

"Mother, Mother !" he said.
"Look what I caught"

The boy showed his captured to the red haired woman. She was sitting at a small table in the garden and drinking tea. The furnitures looked quite modest for a noble but the red flowers on the table added a refined side to the setting.
She looked kind.

"She's .." exclaimed Beacrox.

Responding to everyone's confusion, Ron calmly continued.
"She's the mother of Cale Henituse and the past countess, Jour Henituse."

"Wouahh ! What a beautiful butterfly." she said to Cale.

The two continued to talk about trivial things.
It was a joyful moment.

The people looking at this could not help but feel bitter by this scene knowing the fate of Jour.

"Hey Mother !" shyly said the child.
"Why do you sometimes look sad when looking at me ?"

This question surprised the group.
'That's right! Jour was also a Thames in the past, does it mean she knows something ?'

"Do you really want me to tell you ?" gently asked the woman.
Cale nodded. His eyes were sparkling.
Jour chuckled.

To the Forgotten (trash of the count's family)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant