vecnas curse

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i walked over to the grandfather clock hidden in the crooked tree when all of a sudden spiders started crawling from the cracked glass.

i backed away in fear. i had recently been seeing weird things and not only in my dreams. i've also been having the worst headaches ever and my nose has been constantly bleeding. dustin thinks hawkins is cursed but i didn't even have time to think about that before i bumped into something behind me.

"sorry i didn't mean to scare you." eddie said looking at me. i let out a sigh of relief yet, was still trying to catch my breath. "are you okay?" he follows, placing his hand on my cheek. the coldness of his rings snapped me back into reality. "yeah i'm fine i just, i thought i heard something." i replied.

"it's okay it's only me here you're safe." i didn't say anything back, i was almost in shock. "at least i'm not the only one losing my mind here." he tried to make me feel better, "do you need a ride home?" he asked me. "yes please." i smiled at him. maybe he wasn't so weird after all.

we got in his car which was a beat up black van. in the back he had pillows and blankets as if he sometimes would sleep there. either way he had the best cassette collection as he started driving blasting black sabbath.

"do you want me to wait here i don't mind driving you back to the game." eddie asked me as i got out of the van to get changed. "yeah thanks eddie i wont be long." i said. i trusted him not to take pictures of me through my window like johnathan had that one night with steve.

10 minutes later i returned to eddie wearing the shirt he had made for me. "wow i thought i was the sexiest hellfire member." he joked. "shut up eddie you're so gonna lose tonight." i said changing the song to my favourite. "holy shit this is my favourite song too!" screamed eddie. his face lit up like a kid on christmas and he grabbed my thigh. "y/n you should come by my place and we can uhh... listen to music." he suggested still with his hand gripping me. "maybe if you let me win tonight." i winked, taking his hand off my thigh signalling for him to start driving to the game.

after a very VERY intense d&d match which we won (obviously), my ears were ringing from how much mike had screamed in my ear. "good game nerds." eddie said. "i need to go home i've got my flight early tomorrow." mike said grabbing his backpack. "ooooo going to go see eleven." dustin teased making kissy noises. "yeah uhh definitely going to see eleven haha." mike awkwardly replied.

"henderson what do you say? wanna chill at my place?" eddie asked. "yeah okay." dustin said. "not you roast beef, your sister." eddie said looking over at me. i've never felt so many butterflies in my life. "a deals a deal." i rolled my eyes and smiled as we made our way into the parking lot.

as i'm getting into eddies car i see lucas and smile at him. he waves back with the biggest smile on his face only to be pulled away by some jocks. dustin and mike look annoyed but eddie starts driving to his house.

"this is uh, my castle." eddie said as he opened the front door to his trailer. i didn't mind that he lived here and i almost felt bad for him. "do you live here alone?" i asked. he told me about how he lived here with his uncle who is never in on nights. "so do you want me to get the uh.." eddie placed his fingers to his lips in a smoking motion and i nodded.

i waited patiently in his living room for him to come back when i heard the same clock sound and suddenly i was no longer in eddies trailer.

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