Ch. 29|Preparing For War

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Prime POV

The ale at the Boar Hat never gets old. Nothing comes close to beating it in all the worlds I've gone to. Taking a sip of the ale Meliodas poured for me, I leaned forward on the bar with a sigh.

'We shouldn't be trying to get drunk right now. You said yourself we don't have a lot of time.'

'Nothing to worry about. I can drink this tavern and wouldn't even feel a buzz. The taste is why I'm drinking it.'


"Abyss, it's great seeing you after all these years, but can you tell us what happened? Where did you go? You mentioned earlier that Gowther erased our memories?"

Everyone present looked at me, wanting to hear my answer. I took a sip of the Ale before putting the cup down.

"To answer your question, I must first ask you to call me Prime. The reason for this is that I'm no longer who you remember."

"By chance, does this refer to the second soul residing in your body," Merlin asked, intrigued.

"You were always too entwined to the magical arts for your own good, Merlin." A smile graced her face, but I could tell everyone wanted me to continue. "Long story short after I left you guys... someone I hurt came after me. I could have stopped her, but I didn't wish to. So, I let her win and, in the process, sealed my memories."

"This had the unexpected consequence of creating a second soul inside of me."

"That's impossible. If sealing your memories created another soul, that would mean most of us here would have more than one soul residing in us." Meliodias said.

"You would be correct if I'd done it the normal way. Where I went into my brain and sealed the memories. The magic I did was much deeper than this. Many deities have used this method to punish some of their most heinous criminals. I went into my soul and sealed my memories. In turn, creating a new person and identity." With these words, everyone grew silent. I continued. "The problem with this was we have become entwined with each other. Without him, I wouldn't exist, and without me, he wouldn't either."

"Isn't your power capable of eating anything, including the non-physical, and gaining their power? Like you ate Galand just eat the other soul." Merlin said, figuring she had the answer to my problem. "Unless..."

"Like I'd take that laying down. Prime would have the fight of his life trying to eat me," Mavros said, taking control and glaring at Merlin.

Coughing as if clearing my throat, I took control again. "You probably figured it out already, Merlin, but to those less knowledgeable. Mavros, the name of the other soul, is one of great strength himself. Since our assimilation, his powers and mine have combined. So, it would be like fighting a copy of myself."

'Even if I don't have complete control of your power, unlike you have of mine.'

'It's experience. I've tried every magical and martial art that the multiverse has ever created. Your abilities, I'll be truthful, are powerful, but are far lackluster compared to the ones I saw in my home world.'

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