CH. 22|The Family Grows and Origin of Hikari's Hate

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(A/n: So, I came back to this chapter, and to my surprise, it had horrible spelling on words. The weird thing is they were words I remembered writing correctly.

I fixed them... well I let Grammarly fix them. So, if you read something that doesn't make sense. Blame Grammarly. I wasn't rereading 11k+ words.

I don't know what the hell happened. If it was words that had one wrong letter like "Roim" it would have been understandable. I just pressed the wrong button with my fat fingers. No, the words that came to exist we're "madangangrier?" Like WTF? This isn't a word. Why did this appear?

Anyway sorry, for the confusing as hell chapter.)

Mavros POV:

Coming out of my portal Raven and I was in my team's empty dorm room. Raven looked around and seemed to look... sad?

"Are you okay?" I asked Raven concerned.

"I'm just remembering the past. I never showed it to my brother, but Summer and I were close. We would sit up late often talking about boys, school, my past, or her past. Anything that we needed the other was there. Coming back here brought those memories back." Raven said wiping her eyes with her sleeves. "I'm a horrible friend."

"I don't think... I can't say for certain if you were a horrible friend to her or not. I can say that I don't think she hated you. If she did, do you think she would have taken care of Yang?" I asked her trying to be supportive. "Yang looks like a spitting image of you. Just with yellow hair. She probably reminded Summer of all the good times you had."

"Yeah, Summer never was the type to hold grudges. I just wish I could apologize," she said with a sigh.

"If you want to apologize. You can be a mother to Yang. Summer would have wanted that for you. Also, I'm sure she would be happy if you would be an Aunt for Ruby." I told her with a smile.

"I guess that is all I can do," she said. "What are we supposed to do with Ozpin though? He will find it suspicious if I start showing myself again. Especially, if he finds out I'm a Winter and Spring Maiden."

"Who said anything about telling him?" I told her smirking.

Looking in the shop I bought a necklace with true illusion magic. Which can change Raven's looks and make her voice sound different. The necklace had the added feature of allowing trusted people to see what is behind the illusion. So, I'll be able to see Raven for who she is really and whoever Raven wants. The best thing was even with Ozpin being a wizard, he doesn't have the necessary skills to sense the magic behind it.

It might be strange for a fifth person to start hanging around my peerage, but Ozpin doesn't want to lose me or my team, so he will appease my every whim.

I hand the necklace to Raven and explained its purpose. She looked at the necklace like it was the most overpowered thing she has ever seen beating the relics. Which in all honesty is true.

Couldn't I use true illusion magic to turn myself invisible? It could be a game-changer in some fights... thoughts for the future.

"Do you expect me to attend school with you?" she asked looking disappointed.

"No, you can do whatever you want. I'm just making it where Ozpin won't be able to learn about you. Well, until your ready." I told her.

"Good, school is boring. If I had to go through Professor Port's classes again... I would put Port on a pike," she said with a look of disdain.

Honestly, couldn't blame her Port's classes are boring.

We were interrupted with the door opening to the room and our family walked in.

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