Chapter 4: New life

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                        One month later

It's been a month since the alien took Avoca. Avoca had gotten mad at this alien so he killed it (they were already on another planet) he got out of the ship (broke his way out) he then flew towards the city and began to destroy everything, he was easily capable of killing everyone, which he did, but very slowly and painfully, Avoca began to get these dreams and visions, of a man fighting a purple figure and loading over and over again, he heard the man's voice, he didn't understand it, but it frustrated him by knowing that the man who lost over and over again looked exactly like him, Avoca eventually killed the whole planets population and sta down while looking at one of the planets moons.

Avoca: .....what am I?

???: the strongest in the universe, that's what you should be


???: this aura that you have, it was meant to be pure, it was, but after what you did, it won't be, you enjoyed killing too much, you can't go back from it anymore

Avoca: what's the difference?

???: if you master it completely, it would multiply your powers by 3, if you don't master it, you'd only multiply it by 2, and if you use it like how you're using it, you'll only receive a 2 time multiplier...

Avoca: interesting, so there's more benefits of using it for good?

???: well, if you continue to kill you'll take the energy of the ones you kill, and you'll master this aura and power, so you'd be able to manipulate it however you want, you'll also be able to control others

Avoca: so all I have to do it kill?

???: No, you have to kill and enjoy doing it...

Avoca: got it....

Power levels:

(1 month passed)

Avoca: 12,000

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