Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The forest of death

I woke up and went to the high rock which is an oak tree.

"I call all those who are old enough to swim, I announced that are clan name is now Mudclan and Bluey will now be named Whitepaw for a moon then be a warrior. Before you go I want to tell you that Sparrowkit is old enough to become a apprentice so Sparrowkit is now Sparrowpaw and her mentor will be Windchasser, Windchasser I hope you will pass your knowledge and fighting techniques to Sparrowkit." Then they touched noses and everyone yelled " Whitepaw ! Sparrowpaw!"

Her green eyes were glittering as they said her name.

As I jumped down the oak tree she ran towards me and said " Thanks for choosing Windchasser as my mentor. He is like a brother to me."

"It's nothing but just be careful." I mewed not trying to act too scary.

"Remember he killed your father and you don't know what he could do now."

As thoughts came in my head.

Windchasser killed her father to become deputy but then I became leader and chose a new deputy and told him he had to leave and never come back to are territory or else...

But then the battle of the six clan happened and he came in and thought with us the battle of the six clans was cats against 4 packs of murderous dogs.

He also helped the medicine cat with herbs. He used to be a great medicine cat apprentice until he was tired of doing herb stuff and wanted to fight like a warrior so he became a warrior.

"Don't worry Froststar, I'll show him what I got!"

Then she left with a smile on her face.

"Frostar! Frostar!" Yowled Ashcreek. He was the leader of the dawn patrol and he came back with scars and bloodstains.

"What happened?" I said as I was confused.

" We went in the forest on the other side of the river and there was foxes and twolegs with their dogs and a huge gray bridge!" "Yeah, one twoleg kid chased us and tried to kill us!" said an apprentice looking terrified.

My ears roared with blood, could Starclan send this because of what I have done?

"Now in the forest over there..." I pointed out "Will be called the forest of death and only warriors can go there with my permission. We will now take prey from the pond or the other small forest over there!" "Did everyone hear me?!" "Yes, Froststar!" Cats yelled.

"Then I will let you go back to your activities!" I licked my fur and went to my den.

As I walked back to my den I looked behind to see my clan and there were some other warriors not from Mudclan but from Mountainclan. I ran toward them.

There is a gray tabby with white paws and another one who is a Siamese cat.

"Hello Frostar my name is Grayflight I am a deputy of Mountainclan and this is Goldenheart one of the Warriors." He mewed looking at his friend. We stood there in the middle of my clan. "Nice, follow me we are going to my den." As they followed me to my den the two cats were whispering secrets.

Then they sat next to me.

"Are you going to tell me why you are here and tell me why you were whispering secrets?" I said angrily. "Your den is really not safe, it could fall any moment." Said Goldenheart. "ARE YOU GOING TO TELL ME WHY YOU ARE HERE OR NOT?!"

I yelled. They stared at me and responded "Sorry we are here because our leader sent us to tell you where the next gathering will be." Said the gray tabby.

"Where then?And how do you know where my clan is?" I was confused.

"Your scent is all over the place and the next gathering will be at the mountain side, we are the messengers that inform every clan." "Very well." Froststar said one more time.

"Um we were wondering could stay here for the night since it is almost night time." Said Grayecho. " How can I trust you? You were telling secrets back there, how can I know you won't ruin my clan?" "I dont know, we promise you with all starclan that we will not ruin your clan and if we do then you can kill us." He said one last time before leaving my den. "Fine but I will watch you, follow me, both of you."

I looked around and found a dry and covered place made with twogs and brambles and moss." Stay there, I will bring you fresh-kill.

I left them and got a fresh mouse from the pile and gave it to them. Then left to sleep. 

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