I don't need your closure

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I was finally doing it. I was doing the pathetic "roses on the doorstep of the woman I loved" After so long of being an arrogant douche. I had finally realized after almost losing her that I was in love with her. So I was here, on her doorstep, heck it was even raining. I felt nerves rush through me as I brought my hand up to her door and knocked.

You were enjoying a nice evening in, a glass of wine, your cat and horror movie. It was the perfect way to spend a Friday night after a long hecktic week. It was even raining, making the ambience that much more perfect. You had just quit your old job with the co-worker you hated. It wasn't always that way, you were first madly in love with the guy, he had a way about himself that just set your world apart. Then you told him how you felt and he completely rejected you. You were okay with that but what happened afterwards was cruel. He started to blatantly ignore you, not in the awkward sense but the 'I hate you so much I can barely stand your presence' way. When he did talk to you he was short and he wouldn't ever skip out on a time to ridicule you about your performance though you were one of the only ones who would actually do their job. You had sent in your two weeks, two weeks ago and finally left.

Though the question may arise on how you were ever in love with him in the first place. It wasn't always like that, he wasn't always ignoring you. At first, he was really sweet. You would sit behind the counter of your job, you were a barista at the bookstore. You were known for being creative, making new drinks and flavors. Harry was always the first one to try them, complimenting your skill before asking you questions about the drink. It made butterfiles pop into your stomach, the way his green eyes sparkled with each question. You had a feeling, he would never feel the same, but that didn't stop your feelings from growing.

He was higher up than you, been there longer when you arrived. You had a lot of issues coming into your job, your family life and mental health. Harry never asked questions but would always show up to cover you. He would just wave you off with a smile, telling you to feel better. You shouldn't have thought anything of it besides him doing his job, but you did think about it. You thought every single time he showed up so you wouldn't get in trouble for having to leave work because you were having a mental breakdown. But you could say it was your fault for this, it was a mistake to ever trust him.

Eventually, you had gotten over him and put yourself first. You wouldn't let someone belittle you, you didn't need the job, you could leave, find a new one. That's what you did and now it is finally over. Well, so you thought. But then you heard a knock on your door. You sighed, hoping it would be quick. Just some jesus freak handing out a flier or some sales man wanting you to buy some magazines. It did suprise you when that same co-worker that had just crossed your mind, was standing right at your door.

"Harry?" You questioned, your heart started to race, especially with whatever look he had on his face. Harry Styles, your former co-worker, and the man you were in love with was soaking wet. The rain had coated his hair, his face and clothes. He was looking at you from under his thick lashes and wet hair.

"Hey...Y/n." Harry said, awkwardly, roses in hand and a puppy dog-look on his face. You stared at him for a moment, trying to piece together why he was here, why he was standing on your doorstep with flowers.

"What are you doing here?" You asked.

"I just-I needed to-I'm in love with you." Harry spat out, you could admit that your heart stopped. It should be endearing, the grand gesture, but this wasn't a rom com. This was your life and you were hurt by him. It didn't make you smile, or heart clatter in a good way. It made your stomach roll in nerves and a frown curved on your face. You were angry.


"I'm in love with you and I'm so sorry for everything-." He started, but you cut him off. Trying to save the heartbreak, trying to stop him before he went way too far, though he already had.

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