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January 12, 2025
Age: 10

I have always been wondering what the world was before I existed. Was it clean? Was it happy? Would I be happy?

My father would tell me these marvelous stories about the past. He told me, back then, when there was still democracy, children like me would go out everyday to go somewhere called school to learn new things. Adults go out too, but to go to their so called jobs.

There were things called cars and bikes that could've been very useful in terms of transportation. There were also instruments that could make beautiful sounds called music. There was art and religion. He said, that religion is the system of rules, beliefs and ceremonies used to worship a god or groups of gods. He never ran out of stories to tell me. Always rambling about how amazing the world used to be. Which lead me to fantasizing over his tales.

It seemed to me like his stories were infinite.

And Oh, I always found myself trapped in a trance whenever I listened to these tales.


"Yes, Vi?" I turned to his face, only to be greeted by a knowing smile. He figured it out by now that I'm eventually going to cut him off and ask questions. He always had the answer to my questions. No matter how ridiculous they may be.

"Is it possible that the world back then, could be relived?" My eyes must be full of hope right now because his facial expression relaxes and he flashes me a hopeful smile.

"I don't know, Vi. But maybe. Maybe."

Maybe. It's amazing how one word could change my whole being. I grew up knowing that someday the world will change and I made it my mission to still be here when it happens.

Since then, I believed that if I wanted the word to change, I would have to take a risk. My father also knew this but he was too scared,afraid to step out of his comfort zone. He thought that this shabby cabin will serve us protection and warmth for the rest of lives. Boy, was he wrong. He was so wrong to think that.


April 25, 2029
Age: 14

I rest my elbows on the windowsill and stared at the pastel colors of the sunrise. The mix of yellow-orange, pink and purple colors of the sky soothed me. I was glad that - even though, I'm stuck in this cabin for the rest of my life - I had the perfect view of the sky in my own room.

The darkness was slowly fading away as the sunlight crept on the bare walls of my bedroom, telling me to do my daily routine.

I grabbed my towel and headed straight for the bathroom. There was only one bathroom but I don't have to walk that far because of the small size of our house. It feels weird thinking house because for the past thirteen years of my life, it served as a haven from the commotion happening in the cities. My father was extra precautious when telling me about the dangers of the cities.

I stripped out of my clothes and turned the knob of the shower, longing for the cold water to touch my warm skin. It felt good - the cold water, itself - made me feel alive and awake. After the much-needed shower, I changed into my usual body-fitting black suit.

I make my way to the porch and sliding out, I exhaled through my nose. The absence of scent. It all felt so surreal, how the whole world just seemed so dull and lifeless? Just taking in the raw sight of insipidity, makes me feel nauseous. Sometimes, I find myself wishing that I lived in a different world. I just wanna be happy. Even if its just temporary. Even just for today, my own birthday.


My dad was telling me stories, absolutely oblivious of the late hour. I laid on my bed and my eyelids grew heavy with sleep the moment my back touched the worn out fabric of my mattress.

"You should probably go to sleep now, honey." He grabbed the hem of my blanket and tucked me in. I shook my head 'no' and said that I'm not tired but the unavoidable yawns gave me away. He chuckled slightly.

"I'll tell you more stories tomorrow, okay?" I grinned and immediately nodded.

"'G night, Vi. I love you and Happy Birthday." He smiled and pecked my forehead before heading for the door.

"I love you too, dad." And with that, he quietly closed the door, leaving me alone in a sleepy state with my unnerving thoughts.


My eyes fluttered open and immediately squinted. The light in my room was extremely bright because of the undrawn blinds of the window.

I brushed my teeth before making my way to dad's room but frowned when a familiar figure wasn't there. I sprinted to the kitchen but he wasn't there, too.

Maybe he's in the living room, reading a book like he'd always do.

Panic started to bubble up inside me and I made my way to the porch but no one was there. My eyes begin to moisten and I practically dragged my feet back to the living room.

When I saw an unfamiliar box sitting idle on the shelf by the couch, I was in hysterics after reading the note placed on top of the wooden box.

I'm sorry, I left, Vi but you should know that what I'm doing is for you. This box is very precious to me and your mum. This box will not be opened until you turn nineteen. Only then, will you understand everything. Be safe and remember that I will always love you.

I sit on the bare floor and bring my knees to my chest, resting my back on the wooden wall. Trying desperately to hold myself together as my own body shakes from sobbing.

I convinced myself that my dad only did what he did to protect me. I know I'll see him again someday. So if I have to wait 5 years to be able to know everything, so be it. I'm doing this for dad and I'm doing this for myself.

Hello, my lovely readers!

Anyways Im planning to make the next chapter longer. It will also have a different time frame. So how do you like this chapter, so far?

PS. please don't hesitate to point out the typos and grammatical errors. Thank you and I hope you continue to support this book.

-L O U I S E

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