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"Kimaya, would you please bring these up to Tony's lab? He needs to read them and sign them. He can be very stubborn, as you know, so don't leave until everything is complete." Pepper handed the girl a stack of documents. She smiled at her boss and nodded her head to show she understood before swiftly leaving towards the elevator.

"FRIDAY, Tony's lab, please." Kimaya typed into the holographic keyboard which was being projected by her bracelet(some tech that Princess Shuri of Wakanda was kind enough to share). A message popped up on the screen a minute later, telling her that she had arrived. The doors opened and she walked down the hall until she reached the door to the lab.

Stepping into the room, the teen's eyes scanned for her target before settling on the man at the work table. Banging on the door frame, she successfully gained his attention. Tony turned to look at her, a gentle smile crossed his face as she walked over. His smile quickly disappeared as he watched Kimaya place down the papers and cross her arms, giving him a pointed look.

"C'mon, Kimmy, give me a break. I'll get the papers done eventually, I'm busy right now." He complained, gesturing to the project in front of him. She wasn't having any of that shit. Nudging the documents towards him a bit more, Kimaya continued to stare him down. It was a Saturday, so the girl had no worries about how long she would have to stay to convince the man, though the less time the better.

"Really, Ghost Girl? I told you, I'll get it done later." She watched as the man breathed heavily, presumably sighing in annoyance, before turning back to his project, promptly ignoring her and his work. She huffed and grabbed a stool from one of the other workbenches, placing it down and sitting right next to Stark.

She sat there for probably two hours, simply observing the inventor as he wandered throughout the room, going from one project to the next and never taking a break. Pulling up her hologram screen, Kimaya texted Pepper.

Ms. Pepper

Hey Ms. Pepper,
Mr. Tony has opted to
completely ignore me.
I have resorted to
sitting beside him
at his work table and
occasionally having
FRIDAY annoy him.
Any advice?

I recommend keeping
FRIDAY's voice running
every one to two minutes if not constantly?
I'm sorry I had to
send you to take
care of this.

Thank you,
I'll be sure to try that.
Don't worry about
sending me to do this,
It's quite interesting to
watch him work on all
this tech and stuff
though I understand very
little of it.
Ms. Pepper liked your message

Flipping the screen over to communications, Kimaya began sending through repetitive messages for FRIDAY to bother Tony with. This went on for twenty minutes before she got bored and started wandering around, leaving FRIDAY's voice running in the background just to annoy the ex-playboy. Eventually, Maya made her way over to Tony who was busy with fixing a part in the leg of one of his suits. Kneeling beside him, she observed his work and waited for him to give in to her pestering.

"If you're going to be in the lab, at least help me out a bit." The man told her. Kimaya, however, was uninterested in helping him. "Look, all I need you to do is look through the papers and sign them. If you do them now then Ms. Pepper and I won't have to bother you again about it." The young assistant snapped back. He seemed quite surprised at the outburst. The teen was usually more refined. He then realized how annoyed she was. "Alright, okay, you got me, Hummingbird. I'll take care of the paperwork." She continued to stare at him. "And I'll do it now." Tony huffed, getting up from the ground and heading back to the work table.

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