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Jake POV

"guys I'm serious we need to find y/n now" I said in a serious tone.

"Jake I know your in love with her but we agreed we would go and get her this morning. at like 7 not 12" Heeseung said , wanting to go back to sleep.

I shook my head. "no guys you don't understand , if we don't get her in the next 12 hours she will be gone forever . I cant let this happen again!" I exclaimed.

"Jake how the hell do you know if she's even in danger?!" Niki asked, grumpy he was interrupted of his sleep.

"I was laying in my bed because I couldn't sleep and all of a sudden I heard y/n. a couple of days ago we initiated our mind reading powers so we could talk to each other through our minds." I explained .

"she said that they were draining her blood from her so that they could have more than just a pint for all of them. so if we wait too long, too much blood will be drawn and she will lose consciousness." I explained thoroughly.

"and all of y'all know what happened to me before so don't y'all dare think that I won't leave by myself to go and get her. I won't allow this to happen again!" I screamed in sadness and frustration.

Hana sighed. "let's go get my best friend guys." Hana said confidently.

"Daniel , you think you can find her scent now ?" Sunoo asked. Daniel drowsily nodded his head .

everyone rushed to kind of get ready, prepare weapons, and come up with a plan.

me and heeseung were in the kitchen coming up with a plan.

"so what I'm thinking is that we track her scent down to wherever she is, fly up to the top of the building and go in through the air ducts. that way no cameras will detect our presence." Heeseung explained.

"as we make our way through the air ducts , we find what room y/n is in, quickly and quietly take out the guards that are in and outside the room including the guards in that same hallway and then signal the others to come in." Heeseung said.

"I'm thinking Sunghoon and me need to go in first through the ducts. sunghoon knows how to properly take out a needle and I'm the strongest we have here." Heeseung said .

"but-" I was about to complain but Heeseung stopped me.

"as soon as we take out the guards you can rush up to us. just don't make a scene ok?" He assured me. I nodded my head in defeat.

"after we take out the needle she probably won't be conscious, so you will carry her out back to base (here) and we will find K and kill him and his clan so that we make sure none of them can get to us again" Heeseung finished explaining.

I nodded at the plan and got everything ready.


me and the gang were all ready . we were standing outside waiting for Daniel to pick up a scent.

"Daniel try taking us to where you saw her last?" Rose suggested. Daniel nodded and started running to where he last saw y/n.

we all followed close behind him making sure to check our surroundings as well.

we ran for about 10 minutes before Daniel abruptly stopped. he looked around and inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"this is where you last saw her?" Jungwon asked. "yes, she was sitting in this tree right here and the wolves came up from behind her." Daniel explained.

I was annoyed at myself for not being there to protect her, but what was important now was that we get her back safely.

Daniel sniffed the tree but his face was crumpled in frustration. "yah what's wrong ?" I asked him.

"I can't pick up a scent from this tree. hold on let me think" he said.

"do any of y'all have something of y/n's? Or if you were with her like all the time I might be able to pick up a scent from y'all's clothes" Daniel asked.

everyone's eyes were now directed in my direction, I blushed.

"Jake and her spent a lot of time together" Jay said in a teasing tone.

Daniel walked up to me and I took my small jacket off so he could smell it.

he held it up to his face and inhaled once and immediately recognized the scent.

"ok thanks hyung, I've got her scent now. once I have her scent in my mind I can pick it up in a place like this" he said excitedly.

I nodded and put my jacket back on.

"guys follow me" Daniel said. he then started sprinting, following the trail he believed was      y/n's.

we followed close behind him, making sure our scents didn't get mixed with y/n.

we ran and ran until we came across a abandoned camp looking place.

"ugh, I smell werewolves" Ryunjin said , gritting her teeth.

"everyone look for a building . y/n said she's in a dentist looking place so she can't be in a tent. if you see anything let Sunghoon and heeseung start the plan , ok?" Hana asked.

we all quietly made our way through the camp, making sure no one would see us.

"guys look!" Niki whisper yelled , pointing at a one story house. it looked rustic, made out of wood, and it didn't look very sturdy.

"ok Heeseung and Sunghoon, you know the plan? go get her, when it's clear tap this button and we will come to y'all" sunoo instructed and. Gave them a little device that had a red button on it.

they both nodded and headed towards the building while the rest of us hid in the nearby bushes looking out for anyone entering the building or coming near where we are.

"I hope she's ok" I mumbled .

a hand was put on my shoulder and I looked to my side to see Niki looking at me with a small smile.

"we're going to get her back hyung ." He assured.

I gave him a weak smile and thanked him.

I sighed. "Please be ok my love..."



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