'Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn'

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Lucille's POV

I'm sitting at my desk when Hope walks in and looks out the window. "Assholes." I mutter as I see some kids spray painting on the school vans.

Hope chuckles slightly before going under her bed and pulling out a book. "Black magic is bad." I say without looking up.

"How did you-" I cut her off.

"I'm the devil, I know lots of things." I tell her and she nods.

"Don't tell anyone-" I cut her off again.

"I won't, you have my word." I tell her and she smiles before leaving.

I get up and get changed into my school uniform. Which is a white button up with one of the Salvatore sweaters over it with the collar out and some jeans.

I grab my phone and keys before I leave the door, locking the door behind me because Hope doesn't want anyone in there.

I walk towards the cafeteria and run into the twins, "Hey." Josie says with a smile.

"Hello, love." I say before I turn to Lizzie, "Lizzie." I nod at her, she smiles.

They start to talk about black magic and how Josie used it. I figure it was with Hope since she did it do last night.

"Maybe you're pregnant Lizzie." Penelope walks out. "Oh, or maybe it's just how that jersey fits."

"Go away, evil one." Josie says with a cute pout as Lizzie covers up her stomach.

I frown and gently pull her books away from covering Lizzie up before giving her a smile.

I turn towards Penelope, "Hello. And you are?" Penelope asks me sweetly as she puts her hand on my arm, I see Josie frown.

"No thanks." I say as I take her hand off me, "And I'm the devil." I say before I quickly flash my eyes at her and she runs away.

"Thanks, Luci!" Josie says and Lizzie just smiles at me.

Josie gently wraps her hands around my arm and hugs it gently as we walk. We run into MG, "Morning! Big game-" He get cuts off by Lizzie.

"Bounce, MG." Lizzie says, "If you hurry, you can catch up with the Blair Bitch and tongue-chum her again."

MG smiles nervously before turning and walking away like a robot. "Did she just fast-shame me?" Lizzie asks us, I give her a smile.

"You aren't fat Lizzie. You are beautiful young woman. You too Josie." I tell them and Josie slightly blushes as Lizzie smiles at me.

"Hey, girls, listen." We run into Alaric.

"We already know. You and Hope are going to find Landon." Lizzie says while rolling her eyes.

"How?" Alaric asks.

"Did you forget I'm dating her and that Josie's her bestfriend?" Lizzie asks her father while I smirk.

Alaric just chuckles and kisses their heads before walking away. "So what will I be doing today?" I ask them, knowing full well their just going to pull me to the game.

"You're coming with us. Go change into something better." Lizzie says before walking off, I look at Josie confused.

"I'll help." Josie says before she grabs my hand and we walk to my room.

When we walk into mine and Hope's room, Josie walks over to my closet as I sit on my bed looking at her.

Josie turns to me with clothes in her hands, "Put this on." Josie tells me as she throws them at me, I pout at her before I kiss her cheek as I walk into the bathroom to change.

Devil in Disguise JosieSaltzmanxG!POCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang