A scanner and printer appeared on the writing bureau in Mika's hotel room and on Wednesday, she was confined to her room to transcribe the reams of notes she had taken from Vic, surrounded by papers, plans, drawings, files, and folders... and the gardens she would much rather have spent her time in.

What a run-around she had the previous week, dashing to Makati Med to get her cholera vaccination— not because it was a requirement but because Vic advised her to have one. Then there was the leaving party for Cienne on Friday night which extended to early morning of Saturday. She spent Saturday afternoon shopping for clothes which would be suitable for the Kenyan climate then hurrying home to pack because their flight was scheduled early morning on Sunday.

When the sun moved to the balcony after lunch, Mika transferred her laptop to the table there. Why not work in the sun? She taught she needed a tan anyways.

She sat for a while on the lounger, letting her meal digest before starting work again. Of course, it had not all been hard work being here.... Closing her eyes, she thought of Vic Galang and the time she had enjoyed with her during the evenings, of the swimming they had done together, of the long leisurely meals they have enjoyed in the garden restaurant downstairs. Tonight, Vic promised to take her out to a bistro, a small exclusive restaurant where she could have the best food in Nairobi. She knew exactly what she would wear tonight— a white dress with the lace bodice she had bought in Greenbelt. Tonight she plans to wear her hair down.

Her eyes came open and she shielded them against the glare of the sun. She was planning on dressing to please her boss. Quite what had happened to her during these past few days in Africa. She could not be sure, but not only had she relaxed completely in Vic's company, she had also done a great deal of laughing, had been entertained and enchanted by this person who was so very different from the boss she knew in the office. Keeping her distance, staying aloof, had proved to be impossible for her and when Vic had held her hand at the dinner table or put an arm around her as she was shown to her room, she had not drawn away from her.

But that is all her boss had done. There was no advancement. Walang tsansing. Late last night, when Vic said good night at the door to her room, it had taken every ounce of her control not to reach out her, to invite, to take the embraces she was so hungry for. So much for keeping her at arms' length. The only problem she had had was preventing herself from taking the initiative. For Christ's sake, Mika. You are turning into a perv!

She dressed with a great deal of care that evening. Everything was just right---- her hair, her perfume, her make-up, the accessories she used. She managed to be both pretty and sophisticated at the same time.

Vic's gaze swept appreciatively over her when Mika opened her door for her. She took the secretary's hands, holding her at a distance so she could look her over from head to foot. "Beautiful! Mika, you are a very beautiful woman."

Mika's heart jumped crazily, uncontrollably. This was the first compliment she had ever given her on her appearance— and what a compliment it was. Vic had spoken quietly, intensely, as if to convey that she must never forget her words. Mika's light-hearted acknowledgement did not come easily. She wanted to look into her eyes and thank her, tell her how much she cared about her opinion in this and everything else. As it was she just smiled, speaking casually as she reached for her evening bag. "Why, thank you, ma'am!"

In the intimacy of the restaurant her awareness of Vic was so acute that she could hardly taste the food she was eating, excellent though it was. Vic had chosen for her, carefully selecting a white wine to accompany their hors d'oeuvre and a different one for their main course.

It was always there, of course, this crackling aura which was the attraction they felt for each other. But tonight, the atmosphere was positively throbbing with it. At least, that is how it seemed to Mika. She had eyes for nothing and no one but Vic Galang— her every move, every smile, every shrug and word.

"So what's the vedict?" Vic asked about the meal and the restaurant as they stepped outside into Koinange Street.

"Superb! I loved the food. Thank you, Vic," she added quietly. "It has been a lovely evening."

They got into the taxi which was taking them back to their hotel. When Vic reached for her hand, Mika's entire body responded to the touch. Every inch of her thrilled to this small embrace as Vic's fingers closed gently around hers.

For minutes they sat like that, in silence, until Vic leaned closer to point out the Kenyatta Conference Centre to her, her mouth just inches away from her face. Mika's eyes closed briefly... involuntarily. She could concentrate on nothing but the person seated next to her... was waiting and hungry for her kiss... a kiss which never came.

It was Mika who suggested that they take a stroll in the hotel garden. It was she who took over the conversation, chattering about this and that because she did not want to go to her room... did not want the evening to end.

But it had to end at some point. When Vic saw her to her room, it was she who would stand it no longer. She did something she had never, even in her wildest dreams, believed herself capable of...

"Vic..." The boss was about to walk away after saying goodnight... leaving her bereft, and she could not simply let her go.

"Vic, I..."

She stopped, turning to face her as she stood in the doorway to her room. Vic's dark brows raised questioningly. "Mika?"

"I want you to kiss me. Kiss me, Vic, Please..." She looked at her boss as she spoke, her arms sliding around her neck, her breasts brushing slightly with hers...

Vic kissed her... one long and devastating kiss which served only to make her want more... to make her wish that she would never ever stop. She melted against her, her body responding wildly, becoming pliant and inviting in the boss's arms as she molded her slenderness with her body. For long minutes, she had no will of her own... no desire for anything but Vic Galang and the touch of her mouth and hands.

Vic drew away, her fingers gripping tightly on her shoulders as she looked at Mika with eyes which were aflame with unmasked desire. "Mika..." She looked beyond her, then into her room.

Mika closed her eyes, understanding precisely what her boss was saying... understanding her now as she had never understood her before. Vic Galang was someone whose passions run deep... whose passions were intense, be it in her political views or her zest for life or her hatred or her loves. With her, there was no half measures... and if she set foot in her room, the same would apply. It would have to be all or nothing. There would be no turning back.

"Goodnight, Vic." Mika stepped away from her.

Vic did not say anything. She merely smiled as she turned and walked away. 

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