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The following day, Poppy was riding on the back of her dad's bike. They were headed towards Ice's house, her godfather. She smiles as she sees the kids run around on the property. The house doubles as a daycare for navy parents on active duty. Her dad halts to a stop as they arrive in front of the house. She hops off of the bike when she sees someone familiar waiting by the door. 

"Aunt Sarah!" Poppy darts towards the front door with a broad smile as she tackles her into a hug. 

"Poppy? Oh my goodness, looks how big you've grown." Her aunt swooned, placing her hands on her cheeks, making Poppy laugh. 

"We saw each other 2 years ago for Christmas."

"2 years too long," Sarah said, pinching her cheeks, making Poppy swats her hands playfully. 

"Sarah." Her dad approaches behind them. Letting go of her aunt, she steps to the side as her dad and aunt share a hug.

"Maverick." she greets before pausing to look at him. 

Her dad smiles at her but then fades when he notices the tears forming in her eyes. 

"It's come back." Poppy feels her back go cold from her dad's word. Painfully, she looks at her aunt, who shrugs hesitantly. 

 "No one knows." Her aunt sniffs, rolling her eyes, avoiding the tears from coming out. 

"There's nothing else we can do. Even speaking is painful now."

"Oh, C'mere. I'm sorry."  Her dad pulls her aunt into a hug while Poppy joins in from behind. Breaking from the hug, her aunt pats her dad's shoulder before ushering him to where Ice's office is. 

"Come, he wants to talk to you."

She watches her aunt guide her dad towards Ice's office. Sighing sadly, she walks towards the back of the house. The courtyard was filled with kids of all ages. She smiles at the kids running around pretending to be soldiers or pilots. She laughs as one group dog-piles on a young boy. She shakes her head at their antics. Feeling a small nudge on her side, she sees a little girl doing a finger gun at her.

"Bang." The child smiled, showing her teeth with her the 2 in the front missing. 

Raising her eyebrow at the kid, the girl does it again. But her other playmates creep up behind her. She glances at the other kids before looking back at the girl. She pretends to contemplate for a bit before shrugging.


Screams echo the courtyard as Poppy chases the kids down. 


After their talk, Ice and Pete start walking where Poppy is, playing with the kids in the courtyard. The pair chuckle as they see Poppy catch one of the kids and start running away from them. Being followed by the entire group. 

"She's grown so much." Smiling at his godchild, Ice typed in the Ipad, showing it to Pete.

"Too fast." The dad sighs, looking at his daughter, reminiscing about when she was tiny and would run up and hug his leg. Tapping on his shoulder, he turns to see Ice with a new message. 

"Her and Rooster?"

"I don't know" Shaking his head, he goes towards the living room to sit on the couch, Ice following him. 

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