My Hero Academia Idea 6

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Hero Costume - Version 2:

Hero Costume - Version 2:

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Plot Idea

v As an elementary school mother loses (has surnames of hers) + Yagi only shows up 1 month after funeral #age 5

§ Big argument (Shota accuses that Yagi wasn't there for her + her mother when needed) --> runs out of house and is kidnapped (just briefly + can't remember what happened) #AfO?

v Is called a "villain" because of Quirk

v Teaches self to cook (All Might rarely cook/eat at home)

v 2. Big fight (after fight with All for One) --> Shota runs out of hospital #age 10

§ Run to playground to organize thoughts + feelings

v Shota gets very angry + uses Quirk --> Is teased/raised by classmates

§ Anger strengthens Quirk's telekinetic part (Small stones start flying around them + dash towards bullies --> they run away + when Quirk is disabled feels dizzy #Eyes glow changes color from red to gold

o Is caught/addressed by teenager #Tomura --> start talking

v Begins to have sleeping problems --> gets sleeping pills, which should only be taken if nothing else works #age 12

§ Good Nights: Wakes up just a few hours before the alarm goes off

§ Bad Nights: Wakes up in the middle of the night

o Either draws (dark) #is very good

o Watches old anime or reads corresponding manga #PreQuirk Era (Openigs of series you see in your playlist)

v Wonders where dad goes every day --> follows him and sees him training with Izuku (trying to keep negative feelings under control) #Eiversucht #Age 14/15

§ Don't ask him anymore if it helps with her training (had actually promised her) + train harder

v Loudcloud is a class teacher

v Underline in hero costume description that it should NOT be skin-tight (want both comfort and mobility)

§ Doesn't want to be checked out by perverts

§ Has need to turn neck in charge of costume as it sees (only positive: outfit reminds her of Raven from the old hero comics #her favorite heroine)

v USJ grabs rope/cloth (uses as capture weapon) + goggles covering eyes

v Prevents Tomura from killing Loudcloud and classmates --> is pinned to the ground by Tomura + fights against burning eyes

§ Tomura has taken off his glasses and is staring into eyes

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