"Yes sir."



Connecticut POV

Standing on the battlefield is a unreal experience, Ive never done it before because I was always under the US. Fighting for your life, while demolishing the opponent, I don't know how I feel about it. 

"Hello Connecticut..."

"Hello New York..."

And then, he punches me in the face.

"Not much for small talk, I see."

"Not with you."

We start fighting, this goes on for a while. He hits me across the face again, i kick him in the nuts.

He winced for that one.

We keep fighting, till were both barely able to walk, he thens kicks me once more , collapsing me to the ground

"Looks like your done for."

"That's where you would be wrong." I smirk

Suddenly, everyone from New England starts appearing behind me.

"Ah shit."

"Your fucked bitch!" Yells New Jersey

New York starts running away, as much as that will do for him.


New York POV

"Albany I need those missiles NOW!"

"They should be done in a hour."

"Did you here me? I NEED THEM NOW!!"

"Ok sir, launching them at Hartford, Connecticut."

3..., 2..., 1...

"Their on their way sir."

"Thank God."

"I'm gonna need a helicopter ASAP as well Albany. I got some fuckers on my tail."

"Yes sir."


New Jersey POV

"Ok heres the plan me and Connecticut, are going to chase after that bitch, the rest of you stay here."

"Ok." Massachusetts says.

Me and Connecticut run off after New York, Connecticut more or less hobbles. We get there just to see New York boarding a helicopter.

"Hah, fuck you suckers!"

"Come down and fight us coward" I yell

"How about no, also Connecticut I would check on Hartford if I were you." He said this with an evil smile.

"Oh fuck!" Connecticut shouts while running away, to call his city.


Connecticut POV

"Hello Hartford are you there? Are you ok?"

"Hey-y-y Connecticut, those bitches sent some missiles at us. Half the population is just gone. Im not doing so well myself."

"Try to get some medical aid, i'll be over as soon as I can!"

"Thanks-s-s i'm trying to hang on."

"You better hang on, I'll be right there."

"Is he gonna survive?" New Jersey asks behind my back.

"I hope so..."


Hartford POV

I was just minding my business, doing my work when boom! Explosions rang out all across the city. Screaming everywhere. I got knocked down to the ground, and glass rained around me crashing into my body, I struggled to get up. Connecticut was telling me that New York was at war with him, but I didn't think New York would be this extreme! I just hope Connecticut is safe.


Minnesota POV


I was sitting in the meeting room with Illinois and Michigan, and Illinois had just spilled that Indiana joined Ohio's group, he seemed more angry than I was which was understandable as the enemy of Ohio.

"Why I will pound her face down in the ground along with Ohio! This will not last!"

"I hope it won't." Responded Illinois

This was especially hard for him to hear because he was good friends with Indiana, but he was trying to make the best of it. With most of the yelling done, Illinois continued on with a different discussion.

"Well guys I asked about Pennsylvania joining, he said that he would give it some thought, he just got out of a war so it's very understandable."

"Well let's hope we can get him to join our side, the more allies to crush Ohio the better.

I continued this sentence with what I wanted to say.

"Now that we are done with that, I wanted to talk about planning a military invasion of Wisconsin, with Ohio getting Indiana on his team, it's obvious that Wisconsin would be his next tactical target, being in a prime location to help them, so we have to crush that before it happens. With me?"

"Yes, continue."

"If we were to do this, I would like to cut off his coastal borders to the great lakes, and you Illinois would go into Milwaukee, and try to take it. We would then go for her other big city, Green Bay, and her capital Madison. This would all start on the 19th."

"Sounds like a solid plan, I'm on board."

"As am I, this can give us a good tactical advantage over Ohio."

With my big point made, the rest of the meeting blurred away till the end, where we all say goodbye, and went home.

I got home and had looked at the phone,

15 missed calls


500 miles north

all the calls had the same message




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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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