Chapter 2

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1/5/2121 Sunday

Alaska POV

I was looking at random shit news, when the recent Ohioan attack on Kentucky came up. I scowled at this.

"If only they knew.." I said shaking my head. "If only they knew what was going on in the outside world." 

After America collapsed, there was a revolution in Russia, and the old communist party came back, and started taking over, one by one each country adapted into their new party. As far as I know mostly all of Europe has been taken over, I have been able to stay in contact with the U.K and Ireland, but it probably won't last long. 

As for me I haven't been doing so hot. The Russians have tried multiple attacks to land their troop here. None of them succeeded so far, but it's only a matter of time.

"Buzzz, buzzz, buzzz" I answered the phone to hear U.K at the other end of the line.

"Hello old chap, how's a going?"

"What do you think"

"Yeah... well anyway things haven't been doing so well over here, Russia has been able to make a landing in Ireland, and have taken the city of Cork."

"Well things haven't been any better here, i've barely been able to keep the Russians out, but it's only a matter of time."

"Well I wish there was good news but alas there is none. Anyway I have to get going to discuss whatever shit we have left that is a battle plan."

"Ok, well try to stay safe."

"Yeah, like that's gonna happened."

We then hung up, and I got back to my usually business, and then a explosion happened right on the western wall of my building.

"Shit, this can't be good." I mumbled


1/12/2121 Sunday

Minnesota POV

News, news, and more news, everyone seemed to be making their move. California had attacked Nevada, Texas attacked Oklahoma. Ohio had managed to make Kentucky surrender and took over them, while Pennsylvania left the war, now it was Ohio vs Virginia. I had planned a meeting with Michigan to discuss about all this stuff, and maybe finally attack Wisconsin, but for now that had to wait, I got another important call from Illinois.

"Hello Minnesota, I wanted to talk to you about a certain Issue."


"As you know Ohio has been getting stronger every single day, taking out Kentucky, and probably Virginia soon. With this power Ohio will eventually try to attack countries like Indiana and me. So that's why I was wondering if I could join your alliance?"

"Of course! The more the merrier, we have to take done Ohio, and Wisconsin." Is Indiana going to join?"

"I don't know i'll have to ask him about it, but thank you for letting me join this alliance."

"Your welcome! As I said before the more the merrier!"

I hung up, and went about my business as usual, and I decided to talk with Minneapolis for a little bit.

"Hey Minneapolis! What's up?"

"Nothing much just doing some state taxes. You?"

"Well I had a chat with Illinois, and he's going to join me and Michigan's alliance, so that's great."

"Cool, cool. Anything else?"

"Nope not really, got any plans on what to do with Wisconsin?"

"Well I was thinking as long as we get Michigan onboard, we could be ready to attack Wisconsin by the 21st."


"Well I'm gonna head out and just chill, maybe get some food, talk to you later!"

"Bye Minnesota."

So with that I decided to take a nice walk. I walked passed beautiful areas filled with trees and bushes, and kids that were running and playing all over. I was happy but sad at the same time. I knew that this area right now was on a tipping point, everyone getting really blood-thirsting, especially Ohio. In what swift moment things could go up in flames, and are whole country would be ruined. 

I looked at the sky.

"Well at least I can enjoy it for right now." I mumbled


1/13/2121 Monday

Ohio POV


Well I knew what I had to do, I had to make my own alliance to combat them, 

"WITH ME IN CONTROL LIKE A FUCKIN PAWN IN A CHESS GAME!" I yelled at the wall once again.

"Uh sir, Indiana's on the phone." said a nervous Columbus

"Thank you Columbus, sorry for my little outbreak."

"No it's ok sir."

I picked up the phone ready to talk to Indiana, but all I could think about, was tricking my first pawn.


Indiana POV

"Thank you Ohio for letting me join this alliance, I'm sure we'll be great partners!"

"Oh, you have no idea."

I hung up, and soon after I got a call from Illinois.

"Hello Indiana I was wondering if you wanted to join the alliance I'm in."

"Yeah about that, i've already joined Ohios alliance."




"Well he seemed really powerful, and I have to have some powerful allies."

"Indy, you realize were on opposite sides now, so your all on your own."

"Yes, I realize that."

"That me give you one piece of advice though Indy, whatever you do, don't trust that bitch."

With that I hung up the call, and thought about what Illinois said, should I really trust Ohio? Welp I'm in his alliance so I'll probably have to trust him, but the thoughts still lingered on.


Illinois POV

"SHE WHAT!" a decently angry Minnesotan yelled.

"Yeah I know but theirs nothing we can do about it, it's three of us vs two of them."

"Probably not for very long, Ohio might be evil but he's not stupid. He can probably see us all surrounding Wisconsin, so he's probably going to ask him to join."

"Yeah... this isn't good."

"We'll have to figure something out otherwise were literally doomed."

"Yup any ideas?"

"We have to try to get more alliance members, anyone you can think of?

"We could try Pennsylvania, he just got out of a war from Ohio, so he probably knows how bad he is."

"Yes try that, anyone else?"

"No one that comes to mine, but I'll try to look around."

"Thank you, I'll try too to."

"Chat tomorrow?"

"Yes, and with Michigan too, we have to go over this stuff with him."

"Goodbye Minnesota"


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