💙I want you💙

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--Travis pov--

I gently ran my hands through Sal's blue locks. I closed my eyes and bathed in the comfort of this moment.

Sal lay his head on my chest, arm strung across my stomach as he slept. I listened to his rhythmic breathing. I let my thoughts spin, I wished this boy could be mine one day.

I wasn't sure if someone like me deserved someone as etheral as Sal, but I could hope.

Sal Fisher, the nicest boy I've ever met. He's too kind for his own good and sees the best in everybody despite the cards life gave him.

I want to wake up to his smile, kiss him and make him his favorite breakfast on a cold morning. I wanted to hug him from behind and sway side to side, smiling a dorky smile and kiss his cheek.

I wanted to buy him a lemonade and a warm treat when I'm out, showing him I loved him even when I wasn't with him.

I want to laugh until we can't breathe, adding more and more until we're crying with pure joy. I want to be the reason he smiles, knowing I could make someone so special smile and laugh was all I needed.

I want to comfort him when thoughts got overwhelming, being with him at his worst.

A gentle smile left my lips as I daydreamed about him. Coffee dates, starry nights together, holding his hand, seeing his smile everyday. That was all I really needed, god that's all I want.

Sal stirred from his sleep, groaning softly. I continued brushing my fingers through his hair.

He adjusted himself and looked up at me, resting his head on my arm. Immediately, a smile graced his lips and he chuckled.

Neither of us spoke, he moved back onto my chest and held my other hand.

I was okay with the silence, I loved it. We didn't need to talk, I didn't know how he felt but I was content. Even if I wanted more.

"Heyyy, Travis" he looked up to me with a dorky smile, his voice happy with a question about to leave his lips. "Do you know how to make pancakes?"

He brought a hand up and caressed my cheek, rubbing circles in a comforting manner. I couldn't help but return a soft smile.

"Yeah, you want some?"


"Alright," I sighed dramatically, "you're gonna have to get up though." He groaned in denial and laughed.

"Never," he adjusted himself so he faced me, laying half on the bed and half on his arm on my chest. He stared into my eyes, seemingly looking for something. It made me nervous, I never liked to be stared at.

"You're freaking me out Sal, don't stare." He laughed and shook his head out of his trance.

He groaned again and dramatically sat up, disappointed in moving. Oh, how badly I wanted to kiss his scarred lips.

I forced myself to look at the clock to get rid of those thoughts. 7:20 pm. Sal climbed over me, almost falling as he stood, and held his hands out for me to take.

I obliged, his warm hands tightened their grasp as he lead me to the door. "Dumbasses first," he opened the door for me to go. He wore a shit eating grin as he looked up at me and laughed.

"Asshole," I responded and walked through, "maybe I shouldn't make you food."

He gasped, "how dare you. Fine, what if I make you coffee?"

"...deal" he continued to hold my hand to the kitchen. My whole body burned, my hands are probably sweaty.

--Sal pov--

I tried to hide my smile, waking up to Travis smiling made my heart skip beats and I still haven't healed from it.

I reluctantly let go of his hand and turned on the lights, walking over to the coffee pot.

I glanced over at the tall blonde. His hair was pulled back into a braid I did earlier, it was loose and holding onto dear life. The sight made me chuckle. His face was red as he began to make the batter, a slight smile plastered on his face.

After a few minutes the coffee was done and I fixed it to his tastes while he leaned against the counter watching the food cook.

"Here ya go, Blondie" Travis rolled his eyes at the nickname but took the hot drink.

"God, that's so good. Thanks shortie." I flipped him off and laughed. I found myself staring again, he looked so handsome.

"Of course, I know how you like it. I know you"

I leaned on my arms on the counter watching him cook. I wished this was an everyday thing.

I wished I could wake up to him and watch him cook breakfast while the world was still waking up, even though it was pretty late right now.

I loved Travis, and I knew him. I knew how he took his coffee, his favorite foods, his favorite movies, he loved music and mornings. He loved poems and writing, the idea of soft love made his heart spin.

I was happy in this moment though. Maybe someday I could share my love to him, but right now I was next to him and he was enough.

Silently I stood back up and took out his braid, gently redoing it. His hair was soft, just past his shoulders now. My heart felt overwhelmed with joy in this domestic moment.

"There, you look amazing." I tapped his cheek twice earning a smile.

"Thanks blue"

"Don't call me that" I laughed though.

"Thanks asshole" he ruffled my hair in response to a playfully angry look.

Travis scooped the pancakes out of the pan and onto two plates. We fixed them to our likings with syrup and peanutbutter. I plopped down onto the floor, next to the couch, and eagerly patted the floor for Travis to join me.

I scooted close to him so our arms were touching and closed my eyes to burn this memory into my head.

"I like being with you, cuz that means I get your cooking."

"You just say that cuz all you can make is Mac and cheese" I nudged his elbow and shook my head. His laugh echoed in the quietness of the apartment, my heart fluttered at the wonderful sound.

I quickly finished my food and set the plate next to me. The apartment was dark, the only light was natural from the streetlights outside.

The quiet was nice, I leaned my head on his shoulder and bathed in this lovely, lovely moment.

Saying 'thank you' didn't feel enough, and the urge to say 'i love you' made me feel sick in the nicest way. So I settled with giving him a silent, soft kiss on the cheek.

His eyes widened and he hid his smile with his hand, and everything inside me told me to love this boy forever. But I didn't need to be told that.

It felt as if he was the last piece to my puzzle. And I hoped I was his.

(1,189 words)

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