Eddie: "I'm serious. Your everything I want and more. And you are not out of shape. No such thing exists. Don't worry about the 'beauty standard' just be you. Because in my eyes your the most perfect pretty person inside and out. And I'm so lucky your giving me a chance. I don't even understand how I landed you!" He said laughing.

I couldn't help but smile even wider as a faint blush rose to my cheeks. This man is everything I want.

Y/n: "I'm speechless mr. Munson. Didn't realize you thought so highly of me." I smiled hugging him. The hug was tight as I did not want to let go. He had a way with words.

Eddie: "and I mean every word love." He hugged me back kissing my head then resting his head on mine.

Steve: "Hey!" He opened the front door. "We got a plan." He smiled.

Me and eddie pulled away slowly and watched as Nancy and Robin jogged out of the door. We all started walking to Eddie's and they explained everything on the way. How they talked to Dustin, Lucas, and Erica.

When we arrived the first thing we noticed was the gate.

Steve: "what the hell is that thing?" Steve pointed out the thing moving around.

Robin: "I have no clue-" she started before it popped open and we all backed away.

I started walked towards it and the others started following.

Dustin: "HEY GUYS!"

Lucas: "what the fuck. you guys are upside down?" He stared at us.

Érica: "it's called the upside down for a reason stupid!" She rolled her eyes at him and he did the same.

Robin: "That's so trippy." She pointed out staring in amazement. "I'm cooked." She giggled.

Y/n: "Robin we see it too. It's not cause ur high." I laughed.

Robin: "WHAT?" She said looking at me.

I nodded as she continued to look amazed.

Dustin: "now if my theory is correct..." he threw the tied sheets up and it went down to us. "Woah!" He said.

Lucas and Érica dragged a mattress over.

Eddie: "uhhh. Those stains." He looked at us. "I dont know what those stains are..." he sighed.

Robin: "OH ME FIRST PLEASE!" She said approaching the sheets.

Dustin: "now if I just let go it should just," he let go looking up in amazement. "Float." He sent a toothy smile.

I smiled back. It truly was cool as shit. I have to give it to him. Dustin's a smart kid. He's gonna go places.

Robin: "UP UP AND AWAY!" She said climbing up as she fell down into our world. "HOLY SHIT THAT WAS SO FUN!" She laughed.

Steve: "who next?" He looked at us.

Nancy: "Y/n you can go." She smiled at me.

I nodded sending her a smile back.

I don't have the best strength for this but fuck it. I pulled myself up until my head and back stuck through the gate and I fell on my back hitting the mattress in amazement.

Y/n: my eyes widened as I big grin hit my face. "Woah." I said simply as I got up moving out of the way.

Eddie: "alright Im coming." He said started to climb.

Y/n: "that's what she said" me and Robin started dying laughing.

Dustin: "you guys aren't funny." He said giving us a look as Eddie fell on the mattress.

Eddie: "yes they are" he laughed as I offered a hand which he accepted as I lifted him up.

Dustin: "ok next!" He said.

Nancy: "you can go first-"

Steve: "no no go ahead!" He offered with a smile.

As Nancy was about to climb suddenly her eyes rolled back and she stood there with her head tilting up.

Steve: "Nancy?" He asked stepping infront of her. "HOLY SHIT NANCE!" He shouted shaking her.

Dustin: "uh- headphones quick someone!" He said loudly.

That's when max stepped in the room. Perfect timing.

Max: "what's her favorite song?" She asked pulling out her Walkman.

Steve: "i don't know she listens to um." He snapped his fingers in thought. "OH UH KATE BUSH!"

Max: "GOT IT." She threw her headphones and Walkman up into the upside down which Steve failed to catch.

Steve: "shit shit shit" he mumbled picking it up. "Uh max where does it connect..?" He asked in a rush looking at the Walkman and the plug-in for the headphones. "What the fuck kinda bullshit is this?"

Max: "PLUG IT IN THE HOLE DINGUS!" She shouted.

Steve: "FOUND IT!" He plugged it in.

Max: "put them on her head and hit the play button!" She shouted.

Steve: "u-uh ok! OK! I GOT IT!" He said putting the headphones over nancy's ears and hitting the button.

We all heard the faint sound of a song playing. As Nancys eyes went back to normal and her head slouched.

Nancy: she was breathless as Steve pulled her into a hug. "I'm um. I'm good." She said nodding her head.

Steve: "ok round 2 go for it" he said letting her go.

Nancy climbed up and landed on the bed. Steve followed next and we were all finally in the room.

Érica: "hey nerds. We can't sit around all day considering we just escaped the police!" She said putting a hand to her hip.

We all walked four of Eddie's house.

Y/n: "where are we supposed to go?" I asked everyone as we made our way to the woods.

Eddie: "well we should find a place no one would think to go." He suggested.

Érica: "yeah and where would that be?"

Dustin: "well there's an abandoned house around town." He shrugged.

Lucas: "yeah we could stay there!" He agreed.

Me and robin looked at each other.

Y/n: "not bad guys. Let's go then" I smiled at Dustin patting his head.

He smiled back and fixed his hair slightly.

Now here we are. On our way to an abandoned house. 👍 great.

Eddie and me were in the back a little farther away from the group.

Eddie: "abandoned house. Didn't expect that one." He smiled.

Y/n: "Yeah me either. But it's not bad of an idea and hopefully it's not falling apart on the inside."

Eddie: "dont worry if it is I bet Dustin is the first to fall through a floor."

Y/n: "Yeah he would. He is so nosey." I smiled.

Eddie: "what about the room situation. I know we are staying there. Would you be open to sharing a room with me?" He asked.

Y/n: "I've done it before and I'll do it again." I chuckled.

Eddie: "good. You can figure out all the things I want to do to you." He whispered in my ear causing shivers down my spine.

Y/n: "like um. Like what?" I stuttered slightly getting nervous (in a good way 😍)

Eddie: "i would tell you but if I did you wouldn't be able to control yourself. And you don't want them to know do you?" He said smirking at me as he started catching up to the group. I followed behind him. Holy shit I need holy water rn. I walked up with Robin and Steve and eddie fell behind. I didn't pay much attention to it. Me and Robin talked about how her high was going away and a whole bunch of stuff.

(A/n: ok guys what do u think? 😭😏)

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