~ Fifteenth Birthday ~

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I'm turning fifteen tomorrow.
I don't know why fifteen is such a big deal to me, but I feel like tomorrow will be the party of my life.
My mom decided to throw me a big party because it's when I turn into a women, which I thought I turned into a women when my menstrual cycle started.

My mother said "You become a women when your father changes your flats to a heal, not when you start your period."

I feel like she was being to over dramatic about this "quinceanera" ; some family tradition for the girls . If I could pick my own fifteenth party I would just want a cake and a movie just for me and my boyfriend Emit.

My mom told me I was being to selfish, I don't see how? I don't want to spend all this money, I just want a simple night with my boyfriend; just him and me alone for once, no family no siblings, just us.

She gave me such a stern look and I gave her the puppy eyes, she gave in and said "Fine, you can pick a movie and I'll buy you and Emit food, we will give you guys the cabin for only five hours, we do have cameras ; so there will be NO SEX! got me?"

I looked at her in the eyes and said "Yes ma'ma."

I called Emit that night and told him from "seven to midnight I'm all yours at the cabin" he told me he would pick me up and take me there, I was so happy to hear the excitement in his voice.

Six thirty
I heard a knock on the door, my father answered it, shaking his hand.
It was Emit; my boyfriend, I got all excited when he was standing in my door actually making my dad laugh . Which was really hard since his sister just passed away.

Emit looked at me with his cute blue eyes, I just relized how cute he looked with his blond hair and long torso , he's pretty muscley if you ask any guy.
Tall like a tree, he barley fits through the door way.

I think he relized me staring at him, he walked over to me; he picked me up and spun me around. I laughed and gave him a small kiss on his cheek. He then put me down, grabbed my hand and kissed it.
He was such a gentle men. He held his arm out for me to grab and told my father he will drop me off at midnight. My father nodded his head and thanked him.

We went to his truck and he opened the door for me, I got in and looked around in it, it had a blanket and pillows with our snack and the movie, he also had a DVD player, when he got in I told him we have a tv and everything , he said "I don't plan on going inside, because I wouldn't feel right so we are going to lay out in the bed of the truck and watch our movie.
I smiled and said, "how romantic."
We parked a couple cars down from the cabin, he set up everything before he opened my door and helped me out. He laid me down in the truck and started the movie.

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