Chapter 1

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Okay so this is my first boyxboy story. Please read the author's note at the end. 


********Jake's point of view*******

17 years old and I'm openly gay and guess what I'm in love with my best friend as well. By the way my name is Jacob Andrews but I get called Jake for short. When I was 14 years old, I came out to my parents, but my dad didn't take it to well. He just walked out and said that he wasn't going to talk his homosexual son or his supportive wife ever again. And from that day on I haven't spoken to him ever again. The day of school came around, and I was lying in bed still contemplating my thoughts. 

'Jake, are you up yet?' Mum asked from the other side of my door. 
'Yeah, I'm up.' I said as I got up out of my bed. Heading over to where my wardrobe was, I opened it and searched through to find one of my many pairs of black skinny jeans, and a blood red t-shirt. Slipping these on, I plodded down stairs. 

'Are you walking to school today or is Seth picking you up honey?' Mum asked and I gave her a thoughtful look.

'Remember, Seth is picking me up and taking me to his house today!' I answered smiling. Mum laughed;
'Of course! I have to get to work now. But have fun Jake.'  Mum gave me a kiss on the head and walked down the hall from the kitchen to the front door. After hearing the front door shut behind her, I finished my breakfast. When 7:45am came around I walked into the hallway to grab my bag containing both my school books and my clothes for tonight at Seth's house. Seth looked so adorable with his black hair, electric blue streaks, blue eyes and snake bites…. I could go on for days about how he looks and all but a beep of a horn brought me out of my thoughts. Walking out the front door and locking it, I turn around to find Seth leaning against his car. Arms folded across his body. Damn it! Why does he have to look so sexy! Bad thoughts Jake! Very Bad thoughts I think to my self as I walk over to Seth's car.

'Hey Jake!' Seth smiled to me.
'Hey!' I smiled in reply. I walked over to the passenger side of the car and slid in. So did Seth.

'You ready for tonight?' Seth asked me, and I smiled.
'Yeah. I'm going to kick your ass tonight on that Black ops 2 game!' I laughed. The school's gothic styled building loomed up in front of us. We pulled up into the student parking, I got out and stretched. Picking up my school bag, I threw it over my should and walked around to where Seth was standing. Did I mention that we go to a co-ed school. 

'Jake! Seth!' I heard a female's voice shout. Then a girl with black hair and red and blue streaks came running up to us. 'Chloe!' We both laughed as Chloe pulled us into a rib-crushing hug. 

'Uh, Chloe? We need to breathe!' Seth gasped and Chloe let us go. 
'Sorry!' Chloe gave us a sheepish smile. We started to walk towards our home room. Seth and I were in the same homeroom but Chloe wasn't. Entering the homeroom, Seth and I headed to the back of the homeroom. Walking past one of the girls in my homeroom- who's name I think is Cassie- said to her friend;
'Why do all the hot guys have to be either gay or taken! It only leaves those idiot guys that don't know who to treat us right!' Cassie- I think her name is- said to her friend and her friend nodded her head in agreement.
'I know what you mean. They are always taken, or they could be gay!'
Her friend laughed in reply. Taking a seat, I couldn't help but laugh. Seth gave me a strange look, then asked;

'What's funny?' I replied;
'It's what those girls said about us guys being hot and being either taken or gay!'  Seth laughed along with me until the end of homeroom. After home room, I thought that the day wouldn't go any slower. That's when lunch came and I stood by Seth's locker watching him rummage through it looking for his lunch. He's tall, muscular frame, tensed as he moved. I couldn't help but lick my lips. And that's when I got some very dirty thoughts. 

'Ready to go?' I asked quickly. Seth looked up from his locker. 
'Yeah. I just needed to find my lunch. Now let's get going to the cafeteria!' Seth laughed.  We went to lunch and sat with Chloe and some of our other friends. Lunch ended and we all went our separate ways to class. I'm so looking forward to this afternoon and tonight. Maybe, just maybe, I can find out if Seth likes me back…. I hope so….!  

***** Seth's Point of View*****

Ever since last year, I started questioning how I feel about my sexuality. For instance, I really only like girls as friends but when I look at guys, I feel slightly attracted to them, but the only one I'm attracted to is my best friend! Wait what am I saying? I shouldn't be in love with my best friend. Sitting in my last class of the day, I had Chloe there with me. And it was history. The teacher just rambles on and he doesn't notice that everyone zones out.

'Hey Chloe,' I whispered, she looked up at me.
'Yeah,' Chloe whispered back. 
'Um…. I don't know how to put this but I think I'm in love with my-y b-best f-friend….' I  stuttered. She gave me a strange look.
'What do you mean?' Chloe asked me, and I sighed.
'Ever since last year, I think, I started to fall in love with Jake….' 

Chloe nodded her head, while I explained to her, how I started to question my sexuality, and then when I only felt girls could be my friends, and when I thought guys were hot. 

'Okay. So how do you know that your in love with Jake?' Chloe asked me. I gave her a thoughtful look, then replied.

'It's everything about him, that made me feel the way I do about him. His personality, his looks. I love that his hair is black and red. And when he smiles with his snake bites, oh god, don't get me started on that….' 
'Okay, okay, I get the point,' Chloe whisper/yelled

'So what are you going to do tonight, since he's coming over?' 

Just as Chloe said that the bell rang. The class was dismissed and Chloe and I walked out of class together. The drive from school to my house was at least 20 minutes. By the time I arrived to my house, Jake looked like he was about to jump out of the car while it was still moving.

'Jake, are you okay?' I asked him, I looked into his chocolate brown eyes, and sighed silently to my self.

Jake nodded his head in reply.

'Yeah, let's go play some awesome games!' Jake smiled and jumped out of the car and ran up the steps of my house and waited for me.

I came up and unlocked the door. Mum was still out at work and she knew that Jake was going to be over for the night. Once Jake and I disappeared up into my room. I shut the door and Jake plonked him self onto my bed. I set up the game and walked over to sit next to him. Before the game started, I turned to Jake. 'Um, Jake?' I said to him.

'Mmm?' Jake replied. 'Can I try some thing?' I whispered as I leant in closer to him….


Cliff Hanger in the first chapter?

I thought it might hold some suspense to it. But hope you guys like it so far

Gothicwriter28 out :)

Vote, fan and comment :) 

Love for an Emo Friend (Boyxboy/girlxgirl) *Short Story* *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now