Keeing you safe

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I see the investigator standing there and I woke up on a couch. I look away from him and grab the blanket before throwing it at him.

"Sorry." The investigator says and pulls his shirt back on.

"How did you obtain those injuries?"

"The Bin Brothers attacked me." He says and I nod.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I've been through worse if you can believe it." He says and I nod.

"I can, you're a ghoul investigator after all." He nods and his phone dings with a notification. He pulls his phone out and smiles before typing a reply and putting his phone back in his pocket.

"I have a spare room if you want to get back to sleep." He say.

"Why aren't you turning me into the CCG? That's your job is it not?"

"You let me live, the least I can do is let you stay here for the night." He says and I shake my head.

"You saved me from Jason and the rest of the CCG. I have no doubt that he was still posibly alive and any of the other CCG members that go there and killed him would have taken me to a holding cell within the CCG. I think you've done more than enough to help me out."

"They would have sent you to Cochlea. It's where my father is being held as well." He says and I glance at his necklace.

"Was that from him?" I point to it and he nods and smiles.

"I keep this to remember him even though he ate my friends at the orphanage." He says and I'm shocked to hear that he was an orphan.

"You were an orphan as well?" He looks a bit surprised at my question, but nods all the same.

"Yes I was and I was raised by a ghoul for a few years before I left to live in the states after that and started a family." He says and I nod.

"What is your family like, if you don't mind my asking investigator."

"My oldest two are my pride and joy. My son who is the oldest out of the three recently got ahold of me. My ex wife sent him and my daughter away. Him to a boy's home to 'fix his attitude' and made me give my daughter to another family. After that I left my now ex wife and she and whoever the father of the youngest of my sons probably got together. Aaron will be out of her house soon and can live his own life." He says and I nod.

"I'm sorry investigator."

"Amon." He says.


"Call me Amon." He says.

"Kaneki." He nods.

"So would you like the guest room?" He asks. I nod and he has me follow him to a spare room. "My room is across the hall if you need anything. Have a good night Kaneki." He says and walks away to his room.

"Have a good night as well Amon." He nods and walks into his room and shuts the door. I shut the door to the guest room and lay down on the bed.

I don't know what it is about Amon but I feel as if I can trust him. Maybe it's because he just told me about his family and that he used to me an orphan. But even before that I knew, I could trust him and I don't know why.

I close my eyes and just to sleep. The chances of him letting me stay here after this are slim and I've probably lost my job at this rate anyway.

Three hours later

I wake up suddenly and hear coughing with a slight gagging sound after it, they also appear to be having a difficult time breathing. Wait where am I again? Hell is that Amon?

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