Chapter 26

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Everything is going better than I could have planned, Adam is a very likeable guy and nearly everyone we talk to loves him, the night is still fresh and the desserts and drinks are flowing.

One small, itty bitty, minor issue was Dianna's little proposal. I've kept my mouth shut and I don't believe either of them noticed me watching or realised I could hear anything. I'm a little embarrassed to admit even to myself my heart nearly dropped when she had approached him.

Even more embarrassing is how I felt it do a little flip in my chest when he turned her down again and again.

The music has gone from up beat carols to slow dancing music, Adam offers me his hand and I take it to join a handful of old couples who have probably danced circles with each other for decades.

My parents are clearly not divorced out of convenience, neither of them has the time, and wants to put time into getting divorced. They don't love each other and it's obvious. Even in my wildest dreams I couldn't picture them dancing in fancy outfits and laughing in a room full of people. I don't even remember a time when they greeted each other at the door after a trip.

I know Adam's parents loved each other. He doesn't say much but from how they met it would take a lot to commit to someone that lived on a different continent.

"Have i told you how beautiful you look?" he whispers in my ear, he's pulled me flush against him with his hands dangerously low on my waist. My arms are wrapped around his neck as we simultaneously step in circles.

"A few times but it wouldn't hurt to tell me again," I joke. My head has found a place on his chest.

"You are the most gorgeous women in this room," he compliments. I'm a little happy my face is hidden away because colour floods my cheeks along with a warm sensation all through me.

"You're not too bad yourself," I laugh as he lets go of me for a little spin. I've only slow danced with one guy, my dad. He taught me before my junior prom and I never ended up needing to learn any of that because my date had ditched me to date with Dianna. It's almost like her hobby is stealing dates. I didn't care that much though, he asked me but I barely knew him. And after a decade and a half of friendship you don't throw that away over stupid stuff like boys.

Even with the "chicks before dicks" rule my blood still boils with the too raw memory of her hands trailing up her body where I want mine.

Even with the tiny jealousy hiccup nothing could ruin tonight, his hands are on my waist. He's complimenting me and he's my plus-one.

"Isabelle Marie," an extra happy voice calls from behind me and I freeze in place. Everything, my feet stop, my hands don't move and if anything my grip tightens. One of these people calls me by my first and middle name and I haven't seen them in months, or maybe two years.

"Are you okay?" Adam's voice was like a rock in my internal panic. Who hated seeing the woman who gave birth to them? Me. I do.

"My mother," I whisper and spin around. He looked stunned but I'm now looking away. My mom is a slim and tall woman, a textbook model, clothes hanging off her like a clothing hook. She's dressed in an all black dress, the fabric falls down loose around her long legs, legs i wasn't lucky enough to get.

Adam takes my hand in his and gives it a little squeeze, he's still behind me and I can feel his breath on the back of my head. If i wasn't on high alert I'd be melting away from his proximity like I was during our dance cut short.

"Hi sweetie," she approaches unusually nicely, she wraps her arms around me but mine stays fallen at my sides. "Stand up straighter," she suggests, putting her tone lightly, it's more like demands.

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