Chapter 23

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I wake up in the grasp of strong arms. Male arms. Adam's arms. It's nice and comforting, not too heavy but just enough. I feel "Holy fuck," I whisper under my breath quickly moving away, my brain finally woke up enough to realise what was going on. He groans and paws in my general direction blindly looking for me.

Out the window it's pitch black and can't be much earlier than one in the morning. What a smart idea to sleep from noon to one at night, I roll my eyes at myself. He groans again, flipping on his back and covering his eyes with the majority of his gigantic forearm. "Where'd you go," he asks, opening his eyes.

I've only managed to stand up, he'd moved over in the middle of our poorly timed nap to press into my back and properly wrap around me. "Right here,'' I reply weakly, my knees are seconds from buckling and I want to crawl back into my little spot.

But we are just friends, nothing more, nothing less. I am dating him to make someone I truly care about happy. I can't fall for a guy I'm not going to see ever again in two months. Surely I will bump into him but I hadn't known he existed until this, and we're both graduating. It isn't smart.

"How are you feeling??" I ask, pressing the back of my palm to his forehead, he's perfectly room temperature.

"Like a million bucks," he laughs a little bit and sits up higher, all the lights are still one. He looks a lot more rested, we did sleep a straight thirteen hours so that might explain it. "What was that thing you asked me? I can't remember," his arms stretch about him and I sit by his feet.

"Christmas party tonight," I answer, glancing over at a giant analogue clock with a black frame, it says it's two thirty.

"Did i agree?" he seems to be regretting his hazy decisions seconds before falling asleep.

"Yep," I answered quickly. I don't want to tell him exactly what he had said. Or that it made me heat up all over, lust and embarrassment.

"Okay," he swings his legs to the floor and flips his entire body so his head is on my lap. My arms freeze at the sides for a brief moment before they find his hair. I thread my fingers through the luscious, thick curls undoing any loose knots.

"You just have to dress 'Christmas Classy' apparently and pretend you're dating me," I explained looking at the ceiling.

"No problem," he rolls so his eyes look directly at mine when I gain the courage to look down. "I like pretending," he adds before going quiet. I sit cross legged with Adam's head in my lap like this for a quick minute. Until I break the not so awkward silence.

"I'm starving," I ate right before passing out and I can really feel it.

"Well i don't want my girlfriend to starve," he gets up and makes his way up the stairs. "Just let me grab a shirt and we can head out, I eternally cry at the fact his perfect body is going to be hidden from me. "Want a sweater?" he offers, throwing one down so it lands right beside me.

It's a simple pale blue one with a little blurb in white. I smell it and it smells like him, and likely me now that I spent over half a day cuddled up next to his body. I throw Adam's sweater over and get my running shoes on by the door before grabbing my bag and waiting for him.

"What do you want to eat?" he loops his car keys around his index finger off a hook and opens the door.

"Food," I answered with a little laugh. It takes roughly ten minutes to pull into a twenty-four hour grocery store and we go inside. It's basically empty and the fluorescent lights are blindingly bright.

Adam pulls out a cart and I follow him around as he picks up a few things, "I'm going to buy a couple things I'm out of and make you food when we get back," his smile is even wider as his eyes glass down at me in his clothes.

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