Chapter 6

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I get up twenty minutes before he's sup- posed to arrive knowing it won't take long to get ready. I had woken up to three texts from him, all fairly basic but I was happy to see him reaching out so soon.

Unknown: Morning.

Unknown: It's Adam btw.

Unknown: See you in an hour.

I answer with a simple 'yes' and toss the phone aside to shuffle through my closet for a decent outfit. I land on a pair of simple black leggings with a high waist and a rusty orange tank top that's baggy over my body and goes to the waistband of my pants. I add white Asics and tie my hair up.

Before leaving I scarfed down a small bowl of vanilla yoghurt and strawberries.

The doorbell rings and I pull it open to the same sight as this past weekend, a tall man standing ready to workout. This time he's in a hoodie with a shirt peeking from the bottom. His shorts are more grey and he wears different shoes.

"Ready?" he asks, his Honda keys looped around the ring finger. I step back in and swing a small backpack with water, change of clothes, hair ties and my phone across my back.

"Yep," I eagerly left with him, my hair swinging from side to side. The elevator brings us down to the front entrance to the complex. It's spacious with no sitting room and only a desk to check in visitors.

From the corner of my eye I notice the young female employees and residents staring. Eyes glued to Adam. I jog a couple steps to walk directly beside him, my hand brushing his.

Adam opens the door and leans on it while I go through before closing it. The car out front is none other than a beauty I've admired for years and never seen in person. A luxurious sports car with butterfly doors and coated in shiny white paint.

The Civic Type R. Aka the Porsche killer.

"No way," I glided my fingertips across the handle and looked into the tinted windows. There's a blue water bottle in the compartment and nothing else. I had a very similar reaction to him when he saw my car.

"Like it?" he unlocks the door and I jump in instantly.

"I'm in love with it," I gleamed, taking in the leathery scent. He starts it up and the engine roars. The entire vehicle shakes as he pulls out onto the street.

"It's only like a five minute drive," he assures me and I get a deep lump in my stomach. The radio volume gets turned up to compensate for the lack of talking. "So why don't you like gyms? The sweat smells to the people? You seem like someone who doesn't like human beings," he chuckles at his own joke and glances over.

I sit slightly slouched, my nail digging into the palm of my opposite hand while my knees bob up and down. "Just over a year ago I had a series of negative experiences that basically drove me out," I shrug, acting like it's no big deal. It was a big deal.

"You don't have to tell me I guess but I'd rather hear and know then not and be confused for the next couple months," he takes one hand from the wheel and squeezes my shoulder lightly.

"It's fine it happened forever ago, just don't step too far away and don't be surprised if I follow you around," he warns a little humorously.

"A lot worse things could happen."

He takes a parking spot near the back of the lot, a technique high end car users have to avoid damage to their babies.

He guides me in the door to a man at the front desk. He's a lighter haired man with blue eyes and definitely not as tall as Adam. "Morning Adam," he greets him with a smile and one of the guys hugs that people do so often.

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