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Dae smiled brightly at the family that surrounded her as they sang happy birthday. She honestly didn't know what she'd do without them. Ever since M|n's sudden disappearance, they did nothing but support her. There was some days that she felt like that she couldn't even go on, but thanks to them, she was still here.

Dae was still in doubt that M|n just left them behind. It felt like it was only yesterday when she first met M|n. He had been sitting all alone on a bench in the park. Dae was worried since he looked so ragged and scared. He'd been absolutely terrified as they talked and just one mention of his father or parents, he went into a panicked state, begging her not to take him back.

She felt bad for the male and ended up letting him come home with her. At first her parents scolded her to no end for bringing a stranger home, but once they got to know M|n, they decided to let him stay. He'd been with Dae and her family ever since.

She couldn't see him suddenly just deciding that he was a burden and leaving without so much as a word or a note. He knew that Dae thought of her as family and so did her parents. . .

Just thinking about M|n made her heart feel heavy. Dae had become so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice that her family's singing had finished and that she needed to blow out her candles. Her boyfriend, Byeong-ho, broke her out of her train of thoughts by slinging a gentle arm over her shoulders.

Dae turned to look at him as he nuzzled the side of her head. "Are you alright?" He whispered softly in concern. Dae inhaled deeply before quickly nodding her head.

"Y-Yeah. Sorry." Dae murmured. She shook herself out of her slump before eyeing the brightly glowing candles in front of her. Byeong-ho dropped his arm. "Go ahead and make a wish." He told her with a soft smile. Dae bent down and shut her eyes tight. I hope M|n finally comes home. . . She then proceeded to blow out her candles.

Everyone around her clapped and cheered as she straightened herself up. Dae reached out and held Byeong-ho's hand, giving it a light squeeze, indicating that she needed a hug. He immediately got the message and pulled on their linked hands and held her against his chest.

She buried her face into his warmth. She appreciated Byeong-ho the most. . . He was willingly with her despite her problems. He knew all about M|n and how she was upset over his disappearance and didn't believe the police when they told her he must've simply took off without a word to her.

He never berated her for still having hope or not having faith in the police. Instead, he comforted and loved her throughout both her good and bad times. She didn't know how she'd ended up with such a faithful boyfriend.

Byeong-ho pulled away slightly in order to start cutting the cake. As he cut it, he kept one arm around Dae's waist who stood next to him, not moving from her position. She needed Byeong-ho right now. . .

Dae faintly heard the apartment phone ring but she didn't think much of it. Her mother answered it and began talking to the person on the other end of the line. Suddenly, the older woman came running over to the family. Her eyes were wide with a mixture of relief and shock.

Dae let go of her boyfriend as she stared intently at her mother. She didn't know why, but that expression she saw on the female's face immediately filled her with hope. "Dae!! Dae, they've found him. They've found M|n!! He's in the hospital right now with severe injuries. Since we're close they've allowed us to go and see him." Dae's eyes were quick to flood with warm, salty tears.

"R-Really, mum? Did they actually find him?" She whispered in shock. Dae's mum slowly shrugged her shoulders.

"We can't be sure unless we go and see for ourselves." Dae sniffled. Byeong-ho was grinning like a madman. He hugged his girlfriend tight and spun her around.

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