Illogical yet logical

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A gentle, almost inaudible hum filled the air. It was almost too perfect. A young girl, no more than eleven or twelve, sat on one of the many bio beds. Her hair was greasy, and disheveled. Her eyes wild with chaos and fear. Her skin covered in cuts, bruises, burns marks, and horribly healed gashes. She watched the various people in the room mill about, regarding them with heavy caution. Her arms wrapped protectively around a boy around seven years of age.

"Has the child responded?"

"We have tried almost everything, sir. She has yet to respond to any of the stimuli that we've provided."

"Do we know who she is? Or who her parents are?"

"All we have been able to attain was a name from one of the other children. They call her ko-mekh. They seemed to have formed a parent-child relationship."

The adults went quiet. Seemingly trying to understand how such a relationship could have formed.

"Perhaps Ambassador Sarek's wife could try? She is a mother. Perhaps the child needs, as the humans say, a mother's touch."


"I'm not letting you take the kid."

The adults turned towards the girl, who was now standing next to her bio bed with the boy standing behind her. A crudely made phaser in her hand.

"The boy is not yours."

"HE IS MINE! I protected him from Kodos. I took care of him, protected him. He is mine. You will die, if you take him."

"He needs medical care. By holding on to him, you are keeping him from getting what needs the most."

The girl felt a pressure pinch on her shoulder, before dropping to the ground. Her world becoming dark, and quiet once more......


A dull ringing noise filled the air. Alerting T'Lek that it was time to start her day. It was the same as it was every morning. Get up, shower, eat, get dressed. There has hardly been a need to deviate from this schedule, unless Spock or one of her colleagues wished for her to accompany them to breakfast at one of the many on campus diners. Once that was done, she headed to Spock's office. 

Spock. A man that, over the years, has become a brother and confidant. If T'Lek found that she was struggling with anything her life, she would turn to Spock for help. They would help each other if they could, often coming to each other's defense ever since they were kids.

Once she reached her brother's office, Captain Pike was leaving.

"Good morning, Lieutenant."

"Good morning, Captain. I wish you a good trip to Iowa." T'Lek said.

"Thank you, Lieutenant. Is there any messages you wish for me to pass along?"

T'Lek pursed her lips for a moment before replying.

"Not at the moment. If there is, I shall let you know."

The two parted ways; Pike heading towards the elevators, T'Lek walking into Spock's office.

"Good morning, Spock. I trust your evening with Christine Chapel went well?" T'Lek asked, taking a seat in front of Spock's desk.

"As one could expect." Spock answered as he prepared his and T'Lek's morning tea.

"Is it safe to assume that you 'let her down gently'?"

"I did. I told her that while I valued her friendship, a romantic course between us would not be beneficial for either party."

"How'd she take it?"

On the outside, one would assume that T'Lek would be a person that asked out of concern. They would only be correct of the tiniest percent. T'Lek respected Christine, as she did anyone else that works for Star Fleet. However, she secretly thrived on gossip as much as the next human.

"She took it well, as one could in her position. Have you spoken to mother and father?" Spock inquired, handing over his sister's tea.

"I have. We can expect them to be here by the end of the week. Mother said that she and father will be here for a week, while father deals with business matters."

The rest of the day wasn't too eventful for the siblings. Spock prepped for the new batch of students he would soon be receiving. T'Lek helped the medical program gather and prep the teaching supplies, and any equipment that would be needed. Once the tasks they had for the day were done, they met each other for their evening meal at one of the many campus diners. As the two ate in comfortable silence, T'Lek brought forth her worries about something that had been nagging at her.



"If I were to tell mother that I wish to track down my biological mother, how do you think she would react?"

Looking his sister, Spock could see the emotions in her eyes. Fear, worry, and hesitancy swam in the pools of sapphire.

"I believe she would encourage you. As would father. It would be the logical choice."

"What about you? Do you think it would be a logical thing to search for my birth mother?" T'Lek inquired, wanting to know what Spock honest opinion is.

"There are many reasons as to why one would search for their biological parents. I believe it would provide some closure. Looking for your biological mother is a logical thing for you to want to do. However, if this will cause you severe amounts of distress, I encourage you to wait for a better time to do so."

"I appreciate your answer, brother."

They sat in silence a few minutes more, before Spock spoke up.

"Is there a reason as to why you worry about what mother would say?"

T'Lek could feel her heart start racing as she thought about the reason why.

"I have heard stories where one would search out their biological parents, only to be met with anger, and accusations from the adoptive parents. While I know mother would not have the same reaction, there is still a small part of me that worries that she won't react well."

"While that is a logical reason to worry, you will not have the answer you seek if you do not ask her."

The siblings went about the rest of the day going over what they were going to need for the school year. With the new batch of recruits coming in, T'Lek shifted her focus. She knew that she would have to tell Amanda about her wish to find her biological mother. If she was even still around.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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