Do You Accept / DYA x Reader | Got you

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I feel like this is the first ever DYA x reader fanfic to exist, so hooray to me :𝖣

(Crap I forgot to put a title 💀 sorry)

Here's something to note: Garrett in the original BBIEAL mod (which is known as Garrett's Funny Animal Game) says "Welcome to my playhouse!" In a high-pitched, childlike voice, making me think he's a young child at the time since in DFAC his voice isn't as high-pitched. So, he's a child in this oneshot.

Lmao DYA is still an adult.

Spoilers: You're a single parent ( > ◡•)
And your child is male, just to clarify. For some reason I started having a hard time using they/them pronouns so sorry about that (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

C/N - Child's name (not cartoon network lol)
Also there's some cursing.

Anyway onto the oneshot!

Being a single parent wasn't easy, it never was.

You started driving towards the supposed playhouse you dropped your child at earlier after your work shift was over. Why did you drop him at the playhouse? Well, Because the last time you let a babysitter take care of your kid, she stole some stuff and was very rude to your dear C/n. Not to mention she refused to let him eat and even take care of him! Overall, the babysitter was just being absolutely nasty as fuck.

Work was hella stressful that day and coming home to a starving child certainly didn't help.

C/n may not be old enough to take care of himself, but he knows how to be honest and he can distinguish what's right or wrong. He himself told you about the babysitter's actions, she thought that your kid was an idiot, too bad for her since your kid can also be smart.
You smiled at the memory of your son. You were so proud of him.
Your thoughts came to a halt when you caught sight of the playhouse.

This playhouse strangely reminded you of your old school, where the teacher was almost bald with literally one strand of hair sticking out at the top of his forehead. He had the reddest lips and greenest shirt you have ever seen in your entire life, even until now. The image of your past teacher was hella ridiculous but holy shit he's fucking terrifying when he starts smacking that ruler on his hand.

You're not afraid to admit that if you ever saw him again you wouldn't hesitate to slap him with your bare hands multiple times, not caring whoever would witness it. You sighed in irritation at the memory of running from that teacher. Now's not the time to be daydreaming of getting your revenge on your past psychopathic teacher, you're here to get your son home.

You got out of your car and locked it, You then went to the entrance of the playhouse and stepped inside. You have to admit that for a playhouse, its a pretty huge place.

You looked to your left, then to your right through the halls, the layout of the place reminded you again of your past school but you paid it no mind. "C/N?" You called out but heard no response.

You started looking around the purplish colorful halls that honestly looked more like a school rather than a play house, once again, you paid it no mind because you only came here for your son.

You started heading to the left and pushed the big red door open, you continued walking and then you turned to the right when you reached the corner.

Your eyebrow raised in confusion upon seeing a... Man? Person? Creature. Yeah a creature at the far end of the hall, crouching and facing the wall, they looked as tall as an adult human being that's for sure.

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