Chapter 2

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Louise's POV

I woke up on an infirmary bed.

"You won; in case you're wondering." Someone said from my right. One of the nerds said. For some reason, there was this huge energy surge in me that had caused me to collapse. It was such a good feeling, although quickly expiring. I started to sit up, but something was restraining me.

"They don't want you to leave yet."


"The infirmary people. Said that they wanted to run a blood test or something. But they strapped you into this chair and restraints on you."

"What exactly happened?" I asked groggily, sitting up and restraining all thoughts of escaping.

"We don't really know. You just ran after that ball, and at the middle of the hill you disappeared and then we looked for you for a couple of minutes and we didn't see you return. You were in the wind and you popped back up in the middle of the field, and the ball was in home base's hands. And you eliminated everyone on the field."


"You heard me. That was what we saw on our end."

"No way. I... I cannot be responsible of that ball."

"You are. All the credit is yours. Are you ok?"

"I am not."

"Clear out! She has had ten minutes and requires bed rest!" The lady looking after my area said and shooed everyone out of the room.

"Make sure that you take some rest, ok?" She turned to me after closing the blinds. I was in trapped in the room, in darkness.

The night was torturous. I tossed and turned in my sleep, and my abusive mother's voice rang in my head. This was the reason why my aunt had sent me to a boarding school: to let me get away from the harsh reality that I was in at home. I had never wanted to return home. My aunt took me in when I first ran away from home.

You're a waste of monetary resources... you're not worthy to be born... what a piece of trash... These voices of my mum echoed in my head. I tried to shake them off, but I couldn't. I remembered that the only way that I could avoid this was to hide in my room, which usually ended up with me sobbing, never being able to comfort myself.

I eventually was able to sleep, but it seemed like forever. 

Oh, what have I gotten myself into?

Daisy's POV

I woke up in the Zephyr 3, hoping to have a day of peace and quiet where I had no places to go with the rest of the team. Yes. They were good times, but I just didn't want to be dragged around, especially as Quake. 

"We have some Inhuman sightings somewhere in Manhattan." The hologram Coulson said from the control deck of the plane, where Simmons and Fitz had set him to play notices, just like old times. He had persuaded us all to go back and run with the whole team again. 

"Okay. Do you know who?" I asked the hologram. Yes. It's weird that the hologram is Coulson, but I'll just have to get used to it, do I not? 

"It originated from a school."

"A teacher or student?"


"Such small details for us to work on. But fine. I'll go, and drag Kora with me. She could use a breather."

"If you think that it's fit, then yes. Take her."

"Non-lethal force?"

"Try not to use lethal force. But do that when necessary. You know the protocols."

"Yes. I'll come back to you. I'll use the Quinjet." I started to walk out. 

"Good luck!" Coulson's little voice rang out from behind me. 

I giggled and headed off again.

I fuelled up the jet and thanks to Mack's new lessons with me about how to fly a Quinjet, I knew exactly what to do. It all seemed like muscle memory to me now. A heard a beep and knew that director access has been granted to me. The Lighthouse door opened, and it was such a different feeling, being the one flying and being a passenger. Flying the bird was such an unforgettable moment. I do wish that they had given me more of those opportunities for fieldwork. 

"This is so cool." I heard Kora mumble under her breath. 

"Sis, you know that you don't have to say this to yourself, everyone knows how nice it is to be on a business trip in the Quinjet." Kora, my other Inhuman sister that existed in another timeline, not the OG timeline, was with me. To be honest, she had powers of the same nature as mine. But she has saved lives with it, my life, to be precise, and not just only for destruction. She was almost the splitting image of me, but only with jet black hair. I had dyed my hair blonde and purple again. I just loved those purple streaks that happened when we were in space. 

"Strap in, we're flying to Manhattan." I said, Kora sat right next to me and smiled at me. 

"You bet."

Louise's POV

I woke up screaming. 

It's okay. You're not at home. You are perfectly safe. I persuaded myself. 

It was daybreak. I estimated that it was about three am. No need to bother to sleep again. I had classes at seven thirty. 

I sat up on my bed and started to do my science homework. Astrology, one of my favourite branches of science. I started into my star chart and my brain wandered off into space. 

I hope that I get to see the stars. 

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