Chapter 3

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Harry's pov:
"What do you guys have now?" I asked. "Biology" "Drama" sai and Christian said. "What about you Eliot?" "English" he said. "Ay me too!" I could see he started to smile. "Let's go Eliot". Me and Eliot walked of to our class. We sat down beside each other and the lesson began. When the lesson was done the break came. I stood up and started to walk out of the class room but stopped when I realized something. I walked back and shouted Eliot's name and asked him if he wanted to come. He looked up and nodded with a smile. We walked out to the lunch tables. All my friends was already there. I made a handshake with Christian and looked at Eliot. He was just standing there staring at us. I walked over to Eliot and laid my arm on his shoulder. He looked up at me and I smiled at him. We just talked the whole break. The school bell ringed and we started to walk back into the school. "You're pretty cool Eliot" Sai said and that was the moment I realized that he actually was pretty cool. He had become our friend. "Yeah mate" I said smiling at him. He started smiling. After school I decided to ask Eliot if he wanted to hangout. I walked up to him and asked. He just looked at me. I could see the panic in his eyes. "Y-yeah" he said. "You don't seem very sure" I said laughing. "I want to" he said. "I'm gonna ask my mom". He texted a bit with his mom and then finally said "I can" he smiled. "Great" i laughed as we started to walk towards the bus.

*Time skip to when they reached Harry's house*

"We're here" I said as I unlocked the door. "That is a huge house holy-" he said as he looked around. I laughed and walked inside. To my surprise my mom was home. "Hey mom this is my new friend Eliot". My mom was on her phone but she looked up. She laid her phone and walked over to Eliot. "Hi Eliot!!" She smiled and looked happy. "Hi Mrs Greene" he sounded a little nervous. "Come Eliot" I said and he followed me into my room. He looked around in my room shocked. "you can sit wherever you want" I said. He walked over and sat in my gamer chair. I walked over and asked if he wanted to play some games and he nodded. It was literately so fun. About 3 hours later Eliot looked at his phone. "I think I need to go home now" "alright" I said and stood up. We walked out and I made a handshake with him and then he left.

"Eliot seems like a nice guy" my mom said as I walked into the kitchen again. "Mhm" i mumbled.

It was now about 6:56 pm and time for dinner. My dad wasn't home yet but that wasn't a surprise. Me and my mom ate dinner together and just talked. It was actually pretty nice. I've never realized that I've been missing my parents a lot. After dinner I went in the shower and got ready for bed. I watched some Netflix. The next thing I knew was I woke up to my alarm. The Netflix was still going. I've must have fallen asleep. I got up, got ready for school and went out to make a sandwich. I ate it. It was the first time I had eaten breakfast in a long time. Then I left for school. When I reached the school I could see that Eliot was already at the table with Sai, Christian and Otis. I walked up to them and made a handshake with Otis. It's been awhile since I last saw him. He has been sick a lot. Then I walked over and clapped Eliot slowly on his shoulder. I took my hand trough his hair and messed it up. "Fuck you Harry!" I just laughed and took my arm around his shoulders.

(2 weeks later. Eliot and Harry has been hanging out a lot and have become good friends. Harry was actually starting to feel like Eliot was his best friend)

The first thing I did this morning when I reached school was finding Eliot. "Ayy mate! Are you coming to my birthday party tomorrow?" "Birthday party..?" He said. "Yeah my 16th birthday" I said with a smirk. "I'll be there!" Eliot said with a smile.

*time skip to Harry's party*

People was storming in. Loud music was playing and drinks everywhere. People was dancing on the dance floor having a great time. I was dancing with Christian when Imorgen took my hand and asked to dance. I danced a little with her but then I saw Eliot. I fast said sorry to her as I walked over to Eliot. "You came!!" I said smiling. "Yeah" he said laughing. "C'mon let's go have fun" I said. I took a drink and held v0dka in it. And 1 more.. 2,3 more. And before I knew it I was completely drunk. I didn't know what I was during honestly. Then I felt someone's arm around me. I looked up to see Eliot. "You're seriously so stupid Harry" he said laughing. He helped me in a room where nobody was. There was a couch and he laid me on it. I sat up and he said beside me. I looked him in the eyes. "You're so fine" I said but without knowing it. I was so drunk it was horrible. Then he said something but I couldn't here what is was. And then I completely blacked out. I woke up on the same couch and Eliot was sitting next to me and Otis was also there. "What happened lol" I said. "You blacked out" "But only for 1-2 minutes or something like that. When the party was over everyone left. I was so tired and still so drunk. I would normally just have made a handshake with Eliot but I walked over to him and literately hugged him for 12 whole seconds. I didn't realize it but he was hugging me back. He left and I went straight to bed.

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