Chapter 2

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Harry's pov:
"Have you heard that a new student is starting today?" Sai said. "Um no tf?" I replied. I haven't heard that. "He moved  here to the town a few weeks ago" Sai said. "He better not be a nerd. That would literally be so sad" I said while laughing. We walked into the class room, and there he was. "He looks pathetic" I whispered to Sai, but Sai didn't say anything, he just walked of to his table and so did I. But I just couldn't get my eyes of the new guy. He stood there acting all innocent while talking to the teacher. Bruh he thinks he's cool. I'm gonna show him his nothing. But then suddenly the teacher pointed at my table and the new guy walked towards me. He sat down beside me. He turned to look at me. "Umm.. hey" he said. I just looked at him, not knowing if I should make fun of him or say hi to him. "Hey" I said after awhile. "I'm.. Eliot" he said. "Harry" I replied. "OKAY STUDENTS LISTEN UP PLEASE" Then the class began. The new guy was actually listening? I never do that. He's playing so innocent. It's probably only because it's his first day. After the class, the break came. I stood up and walked over to Christian's table. The new guy sat a alone, he didn't move, he just put one of his AirPods in. I'm guessing he put on some music. "The new guy is sitting alone" Sai said. He had walked over to Christian's table as well. "What is even his name?" Christian said. "Eliot" is said without thinking. "How do you know that?" Christian said with a weird look on his face. "I've talked to him?" I said laughing. "You have?!" Sai looked confused. "You said he looked pathetic?". "He does" I said, still laughing. "He thinks he's cool. He probably isn't" I continued. "You should go talk to him" Christian said. "What no why?" I said and stopped laughing. "You have already talked a little to him. Go try and talk more to him! Try and figure out if he's an easy target or if we actually can be friends with him" Christian said. "Ugh fine" I rolled my eyes while laughing a bit. I walked over to my table and sat down. I cleared my throat. He looked at me. "Hey" I said. "Hi.." he sounded so nervous. "You just moved here right?" I continued. "Ummm... yeah" he smiled a little. "What are you listening to?" I said while pointing at his AirPod. "Caught their eyes" he said. "What really!!?" "That's my favorite song" I said while laughing. "I love that song as well" Eliot said. He actually seemed pretty cool!? This couldn't be true! He's pathetic I said to myself. "Why did you move here?" I said after a bit because it was starting to get a little awkward. "My old school was pretty shit. And I just have heard so much about this place I just thought why not" He said, laughing a bit. He still sounded so nervous. Then the bell ringed and the break was over. A new class began. I didn't talk more with me new guy before the day was over. He was packing his things. "Hey mate" I say. "Hey.." he looked at me. "Wanna hang out before school starts tomorrow?" "Ummm.. sure". He sounded nervous as usual. "Meet me at the lunch table, at the school gate" I said. "What clock.." he said back. "I'm normally there around like 7:50 or something" I said with a smirk. "Okay I'll be there!" Then he took his bag and left but I could see he was smiling. "Lol" I thought to myself as I took my bag and walked over to Christian's table. Sai was already there and they were talking. "Hello lads" I clapped Sai on his bag. "Something new about the new guy?" Christian said. "Well he seems pretty cool but I don't think he is" i said, laughing a bit. "I btw also invited him to hangout with us before school starts tomorrow" "then you guys can get to know him as well" I said with confidence. "Yeah sure" Sai said. We started to walk out the school. "Today has been so boring" I said. Both Sai and Christian said "I know right". When we reached the school gate we split up. I walked towards the bus. It was the same bus driver as usual. "I hope your day has been terrible" I said laughing. The bus driver didn't say anything. I sat down and took out my phone. "1 snap notification" I clicked on it. It was a snap from Otis. It was a selfie of himself. I took a selfie and send it back.

*Time-skip to when he's home* (because I'm lazy lol)

"MOM, DAD I'M HOME" I shouted but no response. "Bruh" I mumbled to myself. Are they seriously working late again? I went straight up to my room and threw my school bag in one of the corners in my room. I jumped on my bed and took my phone up. I watched some YouTube. Then I looked at the clock. "7:59 pm" I hadn't eaten dinner yet and my parents wasn't home. I walked out to the kitchen and looked for foot. I found a bag of chips and walked over and sat on the couch. I turned on the tv and started to eat. About 30 minutes later the front door opened and my mom walked into the living room looking at her phone. "Hey" I said. "Hi how was school?" My mom said not even looking at me. She just kept staring at her phone. "Normal" I mumbled. Then my dad came. "How you done your homework yet?" He said kinda angry. "Nah" I said just looking straight into the tv. "That's not good enough Harry" my dad said in a very rude voice. My dad has always wanted me to be his perfect little boy. "I agree with your dad! Go do your homework" my mom said. She had finally looked up from her phone. "Bullshit" I said turning of the tv. "What did you say?" My dad sounded even angrier now. "Come tf down I said" and before I knew it I was in a big argument with my parents. As usual. I went up to my room. I felt like I should be mad at them but tbh it had happened so many times that it didn't bother me. I just laid myself on my bed and took out my phone to check insta. Nothing special I was just checking my friends story's. After a bit I went to get ready for bed. I took a bad and took comfy cloth on. I laid in my bed and fell asleep. Next morning I woke up and took my phone. "2 new snap notifications" I clicked on them. It was from Imorgen and Christian. I didn't send anything back I just closed my phone again and got ready for school. I walked out to the kitchen. My parents was again not there. I decided to skip breakfast. I was running late so I had to hurry up. I walked out, took my shoes on and walked out the door. I walked towards the bus and stepped inside.

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