Chapter 2-Plan initiative

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[ lets just remember all scenes ben's talking it's on text ]

Ashlyn saw the 4 nod at the same time

"That's weird...something's up"

The truth or dare game went on normally, nothing in particular really happened
"Maybe I was just paranoid? Yeah probably nothings really happened"

(Let's just skip whatever happens in the other dimension cause the series hasn't yet ended and I don't want to spoil it but I have a idea of what to do later but not now in the story)

"Everyone okay?"
"Yeah we're fine"
"It's 12:01"
Ashlyn looked around to see everyone getting ready to go back to sleep
"Alright then good night everyone"
"Good night"

2:00 am
Ashlyn woke up from a nightmare, she saw everyone sleeping blissfully she sat up for a few moments..

"God my head aches..and i'm thirsty"

She went to grab some water down stairs

Aiden woke up to the sound of footsteps receding.
he looked over to Ashlyn to see her not in her bed, he got up and went down to search for Ashlyn.

Ashlyn heard someone walking down the stairs

"Is someone awake.." she thought
She saw Aiden walking down

"Oh Hi Aiden.."

"Hi Ash"

They stared at each other in silence for a few moments, there was that weird awkward tension

"I'm sorry for looking at those pictures without your permission"

"Oh no it's alright it was just embarrassing, I just didn't others to see it"

"I didn't really think it was embarrassing... I mean you're cute"

Ashlyn shot up and stared at Aiden, she could feel her cheeks getting red
He looked at Ashlyn just processing what he had just said



Ashlyn looked at him and chuckled
Aiden stared at her in awe she was so pretty but her smile, her hair, her lips, her eyes.. no it was just her in general she made his heart flutter every time he looked at her, he could feel the butterflies forming in his stomach.


Aiden was rambling on

"It's okay- I don't really care that much anymore." Ashlyn was still smiling

"Haha.." Aiden was still staring

"Also, did you just call me cute and pretty?"

Aiden was reeeally red
"I- uh no well yes but no I- uh.."

Ashlyn scoffed
"You said I was cute didn't you"
She giggled

Aiden was happy he was able to make her laugh.
They both walked back up together giggling and smiling maybe it might've been the fact that it was night and they were tired it was still a step towards admitting their feelings.


"Alright bye Ashlyn! Have fun at school"
"Bye mom!"

Ashlyn walked outside to see her friends waiting for her

"Hey Ashlyn"

"Hey guys lets go"

Ashlyn and Aiden were talking

"Hey what happened to Ashlyn and Aiden?" Logan asked

"Hm I don't know.. did something happen last night?"

Ashlyn and Aiden were talking but there wasn't any of that awkward tension between them, it felt comfortable between them.

"I'll ask Ashlyn" Taylor said

Aiden and Ashlyn sat together willingly, Ben and Tyler sat together and Logan and Taylor sat together

"Did you see that?"

"See what Taylor-?"

"THEY SAT TOGETHER WILLINGLY something definitely happened."

"You aren't implying they kissed or something right..?"

"Maybe I am Logan. Maybe not whatever it is something happened"

"So that means the plan's working right..?"

"Yes. Which is AMAZING but I need to know how much has happened"

Aiden and Ashlyn were talking the whole time on the bus up until class started they walked together to everything they didn't even separate during the school day

"Ben! Hey do you think Aiden has been acting weird?" Taylor asked

"I mean yeah ever since yesterday I think something happened" Ben replied

"Right? him and Ashlyn have been together the whole day you can't even separate them"

"I haven't really noticed that. but he didn't sit next to me like usual"

"I'm going to ask Ashlyn you ask Aiden"


In the halls

"hey Ashlyn!"

"Hey Taylor"

"Sorry I need to talk to you about something really~ important."


Taylor drags Ashlyn to the bathroom

"did something happen yesterday night?"

"Huh what no why?"

"So nothing happened between you and Aiden?"

"What-? Why would you ask?"

Taylors smile slowly started to fade, she pulls out her phones and checks through her gallery.

"Alright..are you sure YOU or AIDEN didn't ever like almost kiss..? Because last night~" Taylor once again started smirking

Ashlyn froze


Taylor turns to show her phone screen which has Aiden and Ashlyn pretty much almost kissing

"I mean come on I think it's obvious you guys like each other"

"Oh my god this is completely out of context nothing happened and nothing ever will." Ashlyn spoke blankly

Taylor was surprised of Ashlyn denying she thought she would finally cave and admit it

"Oh okay well I guess I misunderstood. Either way I think you and Aiden would make a great couple. See ya after class"

"A great couple huh...not like any one's gonna like me- even Aiden wouldn't"

Ashlyn wondered if she wanted to like someone meanwhile Aiden and Ben were talking in the halls

Word count-905

[Edited again on 11-06-2022]

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