Matthew walked in and sat down.

"Nash is with Jeremy this morning," Matthew said, "Not sure when they will be back."

Rylie nodded.

I stood up to leave for home when Rylie stopped me.

"What's that in your hand?" Rylie asked.

I looked at my hand to see the white feather. "I found it this morning. Don't know why I picked it up. I just felt like I should."

"Is it Dame's?" Matthew said.

"I think it is. Maybe that's why I kept it?" I said back while still looking at it. "It's white, and he's the only one with white wing feathers, right?"

"Unless you haven't told us something, I would say it is his," Matthew said.

Just talking about him made me feel sick. My stomach churned, and I walked out of the room and towards the bathroom. I quickly stepped inside and locked the door behind me. I did my business, flushed, and went to wash my hands. While doing so, I looked into the mirror. I saw myself, but not my usual self. I saw the part man, part hawk creature I've become. Golden brown eyes, thighs, hips, all things that were less than human. My tail behind me, which until recently I could not control, but now was like second nature.

Damien wasn't a unique case. Everyone in this house would have to go through that. It isn't a matter of whether it would happen, but when. Damien seemed to have his pretty under control, but just one small change led to him losing that control. Could I have stopped it if I was still at the house yesterday? Would Damien still be here if I had not left with Kole?

I left the bathroom and made my way to the front door. I had not had myself checked in a while. Not sure exactly if it was fear of learning what may have changed or just trying to pretend nothing was changing. I felt like I needed to get checked out. Maybe it could help in some way? Perhaps I could get some answers? Also, an excuse to leave the house?

Rylie stopped me as I went to walk out the door. She grabbed my arm and said, "Lyall, where are you going?"

I thought of lying to her and just saying I was going home. But what would that really do for me? So I told her the truth. "I'm going to get checked out, and I should be back later today,"

"Did something change?" She asked.

"Nothing changed. I just need to go. I haven't been looked at in a while and just think it may make me feel better if I did," I said back to her. She let go of my arm and looked at me. I walked out the door and headed to Kole's car.

I figured he would not mind if I used it today. It's not like he has much use for it, and I can just take the opportunity to return it. I situated myself in the seat, or as best as I could fit. I drove downtown to the doctor's office. The parking lot had a few cars, but it did not seem overly busy. I parked the car and wondered why I decided to come here. It wasn't going to change anything. I pretty much knew everything that had changed. I did want to ask questions, but did Leslie have any information I didn't know already?

I walked in and up to the receptionist's desk despite these questions.

"How can I help?" The receptionist asked.

"Hey, I uh, haven't been in for a while and figured I should get checked out," I said to her.

"What's your name, dear?"

"Lyall Williams," I said and turned my head to see who all could hear. In the waiting area, I saw a few people, but I did not see who they were in my quick glance.

"Anything changed since your last visit?" She asked.

I looked down at myself. I looked back up and said, "A bit down at, uh... my waist?"

Anima: The Bird HouseWhere stories live. Discover now