Act I

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The moonlight settled amongst impassioned members of Marina's ballroom, accompanying the warmth glowing from candle chandeliers. Glitzy floor-length dresses and perfectly-tailored suits adorned those who belonged to the crowd with those in more humble clothes scattered about, either cleaning random messes from the drunk or serving finger-food to the guests. It was a perfect night to have such a pompous party: King Sam was in a well mood as was his son George. The two of them broke away as soon as the festivities began to go and chat among the guests which they invited to their castle.

It was magical; the array of musicians along the back corner, guided by their virtuosic hands as they strummed and beat their instruments with purpose and rhythm. The music drafted and harmonized almost ethereally with the voices of those in attendance, drinking fine wines and spirits to loosen any residing tension (if they had any to begin with).

Couples swung their bodies across the carpeted ground as they danced and danced to their heart's content, laughing and smiling even if their moves weren't perfect or graceful. They were made with the intent to have fun, rather than to prove any sort of skill. It was a rare type of beauty to see such royal figures not so high-strung. Sam knew how to throw a party, and he held that achievement with great pride each and every turn of the season.

The summer heat seemed to die down as soon as the stars gleamed, leaving the temperature to a perfect medium.

Some would say everything was going almost too perfect on the outside shell.

George was one-too-many deep into his glasses of aged wine. He started at dinner and continued into the night, telling his father "Just one last one and then I'm done!" each time he grabbed another vessel carrying the fermented liquid. He found himself dancing alone along the floor; somehow he carried a sense of grace even with his sloppy movements–it was probably the newfound confidence he gained with the buzz of the alcohol coursing through his veins.

The grace George exerted on the dance floor caught the attention of the newest Prince, though he was much too shy to admit that. Prince George was just so beautiful in everything he did. He would beg for that much talent.

Speaking of the new Prince, which went by the name Dream, he was quiet. Too quiet for a party setting. The kingdom of Flora had been hidden for as long as he could remember, which left him with no interaction outside of his personal guard (which, by the way, was a total bore). He struggled when it came to talking to strangers, which made this party, ironically, a total nightmare for him. The rest of the Princes couldn't give less of a shit about his existence, his parents were shit-faced within their first hour of arrival, and Dream wasn't a fan of drinking. That left him to stand in the corner of the ballroom, watching George dance like the rest of the world never existed. What he would give to have confidence like that.

George spun, his wine sloshing in his glass right as he stopped his spin; his cape flowed around his side, seizing motion about a second after George did. He drank the rest in his glass before setting it down on a waiter's tray, catching the eye of the new prince in the corner. It immediately intrigued his encumbered brain once he remembered who he was. "A new prince is coming, be nice to him," Sam said all not too long ago. George agreed in response.

The brunette found his footing and stumbled over to Dream, a smile strung sloppy across his wine-stained lips. They contrasted his pale skin similar to a Hollywood vampire. His half-lidded gaze slowly–almost agonizingly–slid up Dream's figure and to his piercing eyes. They could cut diamonds, that's how strong of a color they were.

"Hello..." George giggled, trying his best to stay upright. "Welcome to Marina!... Lovely... lovely to meet you on such a night!..."

Dream reached out without thinking, placing his hands on George's waist to keep him steady and upright. Was this happening, right now?

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