Chapter 1- The Stranger

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Keyla's POV:

I hate the night. I hate it with a passion.

It's just so boring! There's never anything to do except sleep and watch shitty cable or Netflix. You can't play in the park, can't go shopping, or get something to eat unless you go to one of those 24 hour restaurants. 

Which honestly isn't a terrible idea. Screw it I'm going. 

I quickly pulled on a hoodie and put on shoes, kissed my son's head before heading out of the door into the cool, summer air. 

As I walked to the diner, I kicked ever rock I came across. When is something interesting going to happen in my life? 

I moved to this town to get away from the rut of a small-town life but this isn't much better. A dead end job,a 2 year old kid who's dad wanted nothing to do with him, only one friend, who is amazing don't get me wrong but still, and no significant other. 

When I was 16, people kept telling me how great it was to be an adult. Now, at 21, I don't see what's so great about it. 

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. Damn it Keyla, stay positive bitch. That's what my sister used to tell me. So I try to be positive for her. 

I walked into the diner and sat down at a booth near the window. I don't know why I did, there's nothing out there to see. 

A waitress came over. "Hi sugar, what can I get for you?"

"Orange juice and chocolate chip pancakes please," I said. Pancakes are better than waffles and orange juice is better than apple. Anyone who doesn't agree can suck my- never mind. 

When the waitress left, I picked at the paper napkin on the table. I heard the bell chime above the door but I didn't look up. 

I'm surprised anyone else is here at this time of night. It's half past 2 already. 

After trying- and failing, to make the napkin into a crane, my food arrived. 

I thanked the waitress and set two pancakes to the side and started cutting into my food. 

Just then, I looked up into a pair of bright amber eyes. Holy shit.

 I quickly looked down and put a bite of pancake in my mouth. 

Those were the most gorgeous eyes I had ever seen in my life. 

I cautiously looked up to see the stranger still looking at me. She quickly looked away and I took this time to look over her features. She had shoulder length, wavy black hair, pale skin, sharp jaw and rosy plump lips. She was wearing a grey shirt with a leather jacket over top.

She must have felt my eyes on her because she turned back to face me. "Didn't your parents teach you not to stare?" she asked. Shit she's Italian.

Fuck me please.

"Sorry," I squeaked as I looked back down at my pancakes. 

I took a few slow bites as the waitress brought out the stranger's food. I looked at her plate to see a stack of waffles. 

I frowned. "You know pancakes are way better than waffles," I blurted out. 

The stranger looked up at me and raised an eyebrow, her eyes burning into mine. "Oh really," she said after a moment, flicking off the cap on the syrup bottle. 

I swallowed nervously and nodded. "Mhm."

"How so," she asked.

"Well for one they're soft and fluffy even if the edges are a bit crispy, unlike waffles which are crispy all over and kinda tough to cut. Plus they're more filling, and have better flavor" I rattled off. 

The stranger set down the syrup and folded her hands in front of her. "Well pancakes are good but waffles are better for many reasons. One is the squares hold the syrup in place so you get syrup in every bite. Sure, they may be crispy on the outside but the inside is fluffy and warm. Plus they're more appeasing to the eyes," she stated. 

I frowned weighing the options in my head. "I guess you have a point. The syrup holes are nice... but pancakes are still better to me," I said, shoving another bite in my mouth.

The stranger smirked as she cut up her waffles. "Agree to disagree then," she said, lifting a bite to her mouth and eating it. 

I nodded quickly in acknowledgement and focused back on my plate. Why did she have to be so intimidating?

And hot, I thought to myself. 

A minute later, I felt her eyes on me. I looked up and our eyes caught once more, her amber eyes scorching. "I don't believe I caught your name," she said.

I set my fork down. "Its Leyla. Leyla Hyde."

The ghost of a smile appeared on the stranger's face. "Un bel nome per una bella donna," she mumbled quietly. (A beautiful name for a beautiful woman)

She cleared her throat and spoke a bit louder. "That's a nice name," she said.

I half smiled, wishing I could speak Italian right now. "Thanks. What's yous?"

The stranger smirked. "That's not important right now bella," she said, making me melt inside as the foreign word rolled off her tongue.

A few moments later, the stranger got up and went to the register to pay her bill. As she was leaving the restaurant, she looked at me intensely and I couldn't help but stare back as she left.  

As I was finishing eating, the waitress set a paper on my table and left. I first thought it was the check until I took a good look at it. 

I went ahead and paid for your food amore. Don't get mad, I couldn't resist. Enjoy the rest of your night gorgeous. 
                                                                                                                               - N.G.

I felt my face heat up. She called me gorgeous holy shit. 

I put the 2 pancakes in a bow, left a tip on the table and made my way out of the restaurant.

On my way back home, I kept thinking about the mysterious stranger and her beautiful amber eyes. I've never seen amber eyes in real life, only in movies. 

I wonder if she was a vampire like Edward Cullen. Nah that's silly. Vampires aren't real. Although if they were I would track Alice Cullen down and steal her away from Jasper. She's hot. 

When I got back to my apartment building, I took the elevator to the 5th floor. Once it stopped, I made my way down the dimly lit hall to my apartment. 

I opened the door and went to my son's room to kind him still asleep. I gently kissed his head then went to my room, flopping on the bed. I grabbed the remote and turned on Netflix, searching until I finally found something interesting. 

I pulled the covers over me and snuggled into my bed, soon falling asleep to the bright light of the TV. 

That night, I dreamed of waffles and amber eyes.



Ok gonna clear something up. No she isn't a vampire I was just trying to think of a rare eye color and I just rolled with it.

Also I thought it would be more interesting if she had a son. His name is Lucas. He's 2 and has curly brown hair like his dad and his mom's green eyes.

I hoped you liked it

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