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Ranboo stood up. School today great. He hadn't eaten since 2 days ago, why? He didn't trust the family and was scared to eat. But he had hope he could eat at school. Flashback
Mum? Mum? Ranboo's mother finally awoke. Boo. Honey go to my makeup bag and look in the eyeshadow. As he did he saw there was hundreds if not thousands of pounds there. His mother knew she didn't have long left and so she bestowed upon her twin sons something they could keep themselves safe with. And that was the day Hope Langcliffe ( this is autocorrect) died. Boo escaped with Ran.
And so Ranboo still had much of the money left. He wouldn't eat. He decided that. But he would buy himself something from the shop everyday. This was so he didn't get in trouble with Phil, the last thing he wanted to do was to get in trouble with a man who's 2 sons look like they could beat the shit out of anyone. If he didn't know better he would say that this family might be safe but then he remembered the wastaken family. All families seem nice, until you break an obscure rule and then they decide you scum to the earth. "Ranboo?"
Yes. I wrote.
"Kaz is here."
"They were wondering if you would like to meet them ."
Oh shit I don't want to meet anyone but I will get hit if I don't, techno looks like he would beat the shit out of anyone he wants and is not afraid to go to far.
"Ranboo? It's fine if you don't want to meet Kaz they don't mind."
No, it's fine. Why did I write that I'm so stupid

OK Kaz had an idea that wilbur and I are very on board with.
They were wondering whether you know or want to learn sign language?

316 words
Sorry for slow updates.
Short chapter as you got a longer one 5 second ago
As always dm if you need to vent. Also I might help with homework if you need it

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