Music Day

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The five of them were in their studio since Jesse had made a promise to teach them how to play an instrument.

"Okay okay!Dont touch them yet.We have to figure out what instruments you guys wanna play." Jesse explained to them a lot of instruments.Aaron T chose violin,he wanted to try something new.Aaron Z chose Flute,he wanted to test him self.Robaire chose Guitar.It was a random pick since he didn't know what to pick.

"Tae?What about you what do you wanna play?" Jesse asked.


"Piano can be har-"Before Jesse finished Tae cut him off

"Jesse..Please.." Tae knows how to get his way.

"Fine.." Jesse groaned

After Jesse taught them how to play he gave them books with songs they can play with their instruments.

                                                                     Aaron T

Okay.. G D A E are the strings.. On the G string one finger down is A  two fingers down is B  three fingers down is G and four fingers down is D.. He put rosin on the bow and started to play,he did pretty good for playing violin for the first time.

                                                                   Aaron Z

Aaron Z had to take some breaks because he had to use his breath.He struggled but got used to it,he was really proud of himself.The first time he started to play he asked Jesse to show him how to play twice since he forgot..


Okay he had it under control,he did good at first but when he played songs he got confused.Dont worry,he's the type of person who put the note name under the note so he fully understood it.In the end Jesse claims he did the SECOND BEST.In Robaire's opinion he thinks he could've done better.


Tae-Young had some experience playing piano,he was confused on some stuff so Jesse had to help him out.He did pretty good since he was experienced.
Tae-Young feels like he has to do the best since he was pressured as a kid to the best.


Jesse says that T overall did the best.He is very proud of everyone and let them throw water balloons at him,spray him with water and got to push him in the pool.Everyone had a fun time doing it.Jesse feels like Tae-Young had the most fun since he wasn't given this a kid.Jesse also got revenge by throwing most of them in the pool.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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