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    "You don't need to worry so much about me.."

Tae tried to explain to Jesse why he was mature,and not a kid.Even though he was put through living hell, being put under pressure all the time.

"Okay then..Prove it to me then."

Jesse said

Tae walked away from them and everyone was looking at him as he faked tripping on his shoe,Jesse ran to him and ended up not catching him since he used his strength to fake the trip and to stay standing.Jesse tripped on himself and caught himself then scoffed.The others laughed, Robaire was just there.Looking at Tae-Young,the youngest member of 4*town.Even though they were on a break he was able to tell that Tae always tried his best and did his best singing,dancing,acting,so much more.

(Pt 2 will be robaire's pov on Tae-young)

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