Thor getting drugged with a love potion

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Everybody except Thor look disturbed. "In other words, Thor is just extremely horny." Tony says.

Steve ignores Tony comment. "Then that means Thor is drugged."

"Who could've done that?" Clint asks. Everybody looks at Thor for the answer. "Anybody in your mind who would drug you?"

"Loki likes to do that a lot to me." Thor answers. It sounds disturbing, but still smiles because of his love to Y/N.

Everybody looks back at each other. "We could've guess that." Tony comment.

"I did." Natasha says.

"Yet you didn't say anything." Clint responds to Natasha confidence.

"Wait, wait, wait, are we certain this is really about Loki's magic?" Steve asks doubtfully. "Couldn't this be someone else? What if Bruce is wrong about this?"

Tony scoffs. "You saying the sweets isn't drugged."

"I'm just saying we shouldn't reach for conclusions. There are multiple things we don't know." Steve explains.

"Like what?" Y/N asks.

"Like, if the chocolates are drugged by these chemicals, wouldn't Thor not just act to Y/N, but also to the rest of us." Steve answers.

"Unless it's a love potion." Natasha suggests. "He saw Y/N first and fell in love with him and didn't fell in love with us. Sounds like a love potion to me."

"I doubt that." Steve respond.

Tony scoffs. "Everybody thinks it's Loki except you." Tony looks at everybody else for objections, but there aren't. "If you sure about... whatever you're thinking, why don't you take the sweet yourself."

Steve begins to feel nervous. "I'm not going to do that."

Tony laughs at Steve reaction. "C'mon, this is for Thor's sake. We need all the answers we need like you want." Tony teases Steve.

Steve sighs. He walks towards the bonbons and about to grab one. Multiple people in the room look surprise. "Steve don't-!" Bruce tries to warn Steve, but he grabbed one of the sweets and ate it.

Everybody looks curious at Steve. It took a few seconds till the effects kicks in. The first person he looks at is Tony. "Tony, were you always this handsome?" Steve embarrassedly asks with blush on his cheeks.

Everybody eyes went wide except Thor, who is still staring at Y/N. Meanwhile Tony begins to laugh. "Holy crap, this is the best!"

"Tony!" Y/N yells. "Now we got two people who are obsessed with one of us!"

"Doesn't mean I can enjoy it." Tony smiles. He turns back at Steve and winks, which blushes Steve more. "So cute."

Clint looks disgusted at Tony. "Can we go get Loki and fix this?"

"Immediately." Natasha responds, also done with Tony. "Thor, where is your brother."

"In Asgard." Thor responds.

"How do we get there?" Bruce asks.

"Easy." Thor smiles. He reaches his hand up openly.

Tony eyes went wide. "Don't-!" Mjolnir arrives through multiple walls of this floor. Tony sighs. "Never mind."

Thor aims his hammer towards the sky. "Heimdall!"

"Wait! Aren't we going through the ceiling!?" Y/N worries, but Bifrost appears and takes the team away, towards Asgard.


They arrive at Asgard, home of Thor. They don't know where to seek Loki, but Thor knows an alternative, his mother, Frigga, could undo the potion effect. Though Thor doesn't realize this when the team asked him about it. The 7 Avengers arrive at the throne room, where Odin and Frigga are sitting. They both smile at his son.

"Thor, did you bring your friends?" Frigga smiles.

"Yes. Mom, dad, I look you to meet the person I love, Y/N." Thor embraces his hand with Y/N's while looking at his parents. They look shocked. Y/N removes his hand from Thor's.

"Your son had been drugged by Loki." Tony speaks up. Both parents stop looking surprise. Odin looks disappointed because of Loki, while Frigga remains serene. "Some kind of love potion or something."

Steve walks up to Tony. "Unlike our love, since our is pure." Steve smiles wholesomely.

"He's also drugged." Clint adds.

"Won't be the first time Loki done something like this." Odin sighs. He looks over to his wife, who understands his look.

"Let me figure out how to fix this." Frigga smiles reassuringly at the team.


The team waited in a chamber with a nice view of the city, meanwhile Frigga is in the other room, brewing a healing potion against the love potion. The queen arrives back at the chamber with two potions. Everybody looks at her. "I brew the potion." She offers Y/N one.

"Thank you." Y/N looks back at Thor. "Drink this." He hands over the potion to Thor.

Thor doesn't look sure about it. "But what if I don't love you ever again?"

Y/N heart just broke. He has a crush on the thunder god, but this is the right thing. "If you really love me, you don't need a potion for it."

Thor looks sadly over to Y/N, understanding what his love is saying. He looks at the potion and drink it. Tony grabs the last potion from Frigga while the rest are waiting at Thor's reaction. "That was... really weird. Wow, my head feels weird."

Frigga smiles. "It worked."


The Avengers went back to the base. Apparently, thanks to the Bifrost there is a hole in the ceiling in the lab. They each went to their own way. Y/N is at the living room on the couch, fantasizing about what if Thor had a regular crush on him, without a love potion. Y/N let out a sigh. Thor arrives in the room and notices Y/N's gloomy attire.

"Are you alright Y/N?" Thor asks.

Y/N looks over to Thor. "It was an exhausting day."

Thor hums and sits next to Y/N. "I apologize for causing you any harm. I don't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"It's alright. It's your dumb brother fault."

Thor chuckles. "Thank you. It felt really weird when I was like 'that'." He emphasized the that. "I only thought about you, and only about you. But... now I still think about you."

"Huh?" Y/N looks surprise.

"Like you said, I didn't need a love potion to care for you." Thor smiles and blushes.

Y/N blushes. "Wow, I... I also feel the same for you."

Thor smiles widely. "How about we go to dinner together?"

Y/N smiles back. "Yes, let's go."

They stand up and walk towards the elevator. They waited till it arrives. Once it arrives, it opens, but surprisingly there is somebody inside. Steve, wearing a black tuxedo with red flowers in his right hand is standing inside. "Great time Y/N and Thor. You can be my witnesses when I'm going to propose to Tony." Steve smiles.

Y/N and Thor look surprise. They both quickly realize Tony never gave the potion to Steve. "How about we first go fix this mess?" Y/N asks Thor.

"That is for the best."

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