"I will only come if Anthony can come stay with us until he leaves for Princeton."

"But by that time Abby will be showing and he will know that Abby is pregnant and he will tell Steven!"

"Anthony is very loyal to me, and if I tell him not to say anything, he would never say a word!" Claire insisted. Steven got what he deserved, she thought, he destroyed Abby's life, got her pregnant and then walked out on her as if he had not a care in the world. She hated him with all her heart, and would do anything to keep him away from her best friend.

A harsh sigh escaped Jeff's lips, "Aright, but you better keep a leash on him, we don't want Steven to find out."

"He won't find out," Claire said. "Beside there is only one more week until graduation and after that we won't have to worry about Steven ever again!"


Rumors spread like wildfire especially in Main South and it had to do with the most popular boy in the school.

"What?" Carol said, "I don't believe it!"

"It's true," her best friend said, "my mother has a friend who has a friend who has another friend who went to the doctors office and saw her there!"

"Are you sure it was the gynecologist?"

"I'm a hundred percent sure," her friend said, "remember that girl that I told you about a long time ago who worked in Socorro's office as a part time receptionist?" Carol nodded, "well she swore she saw Abby there speaking to the gynecologist!"

"Are you kidding me, maybe she had a doctors appointment for a Pap test." Carol told her.

The girl shook her head, "Nope!" She said, and leaned closer to Carol and whispered, "she is a close friend of mine and I begged her to check what the appointment was for and she said it was a consultation for an abortion!"

"Oh no." Carol could not believe her ears, she had heard through the grape vine that Steven made all his girlfriends who had gotten pregnant get an abortion and now Abby was the next girl on that list. He used the clown girl for sex and when she got pregnant he made her get an abortion and then dumped her!

She hurriedly went in search of Steven, there was sometime before the bell rang and she thought to confront Steven on the matter. When she found him with Christina arguing by his locker she stopped in her tracks. It hurt her to see him still hanging out with that slut, but it she was not going to let herself be intimidated by her.

Plastering a fake smile on her face, Carol walked up to Steven and said, "Sorry to interrupt you but I have something serious to ask you."

Christina narrowed her eyes and pointed a finger at Carol, "How dare you think you can just walk to us and......"

"Go away Christina," Steven told her sharply, and then turned his attention to Carol, his voice lowered and his eyes warmed, as he waited to hear what she had to say.

"You got to be kidding me!" Christina spat, "you dismiss me for her!"

"Leave!" Steven roared, "now!"

Christina finally walked away muttering swear words under her breath. She was going to find a way to destroy Carol and Abby, she thought, and a smile curved her lips, they will soon get what they deserved.

Steven focused his attention back to her, "What is it Carol?"

"I thought you and her broke it off, why is she still hanging out with you?"

"Christina means nothing to me, we were never back together after our split up in April."

"That's not what I heard!" Carol looked at him accursedly, "I heard that you're seeing her and you are using me!"

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