Date with Hawks

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12:00Pm- Keigo must just be running a few minutes late, Oh its ok Y-N you know its only now the time he promised to meet me he is probably just around the corner

12:05Pm - Ok Keigo had patrol before hand maybe he is flying across town now. Y-N it took you 10 minutes to get here its fine he is coming now.

12:10Pm - Come on Y-N you promised to give him a chance again, you know been a hero is clearly a time consuming job! He maybe had a villian who he had to do a report about

12:20Pm - He has forgotten hasnt he?

You did mental gymnastic to try to relax about this. As you stood there in an extra fancy outfit for what was meant to be 'the date of your life' or so Hawks had promised yet as you stood there you would sit the phone to your ear as you got sent to voicemail again. "Fuck...sake Hawks" You muttered as you hung up and started to wave your hands in front of your eyes to stop you from crying. standing up from the seat you had spent the last 30 minutes sitting at, you would sigh and start to leave the park yet before you can go to far you would see Hawks get flung past you a few steps ahead of you. "Hawks!" You cried out as you rushed to him. Standing up, Hawks would rub his neck as he looked at you, a few cuts and scratches that looked more new then some other scattered over his face. " look amazing humming bird! haha sorry im late I know I promised i wouldnt be but I can assure you it can st-" Hawks would go quite as he saw you frown. Knowing you probably wanted to go home Hawks would nod shaking his head as well "Can...Can i at least walk you home...and if you want to get something to eat, ill pay for it. Im sorry Y-N i tried so hard but there was a last minute attack" Haws would apologise as he motioned in the general direction of your place. "Im sorry Hawks but I can not waste time, I spent two hours setting up the cafe to be able to leave for an hour for our date ok? Im sorry but its the third time we have tried this and i cant be the only one putting effort into it..." As you spoke Hawks would frown and scratch the back of his neck "...Im sorry Y-N...There is nothing more i can do...nothing more i can say...but you should know I did try, i tried everything. the other hero's were hounding me to finish the report and i tried to get over here as soon as possible..." Hawks would confess as he felt awful because he did want this be a special day but yet as he stood there looking at you he knew you just wanted to go back to your cafe and burry yourself in your work "...My cafe it closes at 5:30 s-so I dont know...if you wanna maybe wanna...come by after that and try...again? I mean...fourth times the charm" You would offer as you looked at Hawks, You wanted this date more then he could possilby know but every time something came up. The first time he went to the hospital because he went through 4 windows in a battle, the second time he ran out of the date because there was a villain attack right by the restaurant and he wanted to keep you safe until the other pro hero's got there but once everything was said and done he was swarmed by his fan girls which ruined your night and of course this been try number three you would hate to go back on your word. You promised him a chance and you were more then willing to give him one more chance "But this is the last chance Hawks. No running late, no...leaving me in the middle of the date" As you gave Hawks this final chance Hawks would take it as he hugged you and passionately kissed you. "I won't disappoint you this time. I'll pick you up from the cafe at 5.30!" Hawks said as he holds you for a few moments as he was so glad that you were giving him a chance where he knew he wouldnt fuck up

4 Hours Later

Handing the last customer his take away cup fill of bean water, you would wave him off before you went to the door and flipped the sign before closing the blinds. Walking back to your counter, you would pack up the last few things that hadnt sold out, though at this point you knew that these items only sold at the end of the school day so you should make less though you never wanted to disappoint people as you could never tell what day would sell more and which days would never sell. as you finished packing up the food you would hear a soft tapping at the window which you knew was probably Hawks but as you checked the time, you saw it was only 5:28 so you didn't expect him to be this early. Shrugging you would walk over and after confirming it was Hawks you would open the door before chuckling as Hawks offered you a bouquet of Alstroemerias. Smiling at the sweet gesture you would take the flowers before you would clear your throat "haha Thank you hawks however I havent finished cleaning up and I-" Hawks would cut you off with a soft passion filled kiss before he shook his head "6.30pm pick up at Le burger bull and we can just go back to my place" As Hawks spoke you would laugh, Burger bull was a small burger place you loved but it was far from what you imagined a first date from him but Hawks knew your days could be long "My little Humming bird I thought we could just relax, I know i promised you a fancy date, a real experience of a date but i dont think either of us are in the mood for it...Lets just go home and eat some damned good food and watch Netflix" Hawks would explain as he let you finishing packing up. Once you were done you and Hawks would leave your cafe, locking it up before slowly walking to Burger bull and  after ordering and getting your meals the two of you would slowly walk towards his apartment "So Y-N...Think maybe we can...actually try this...properly" Hawks asks as he had been silently contemplating asking you "Yeah...Yeah Keigo i think we can...if you promise me you will put as much effort into this as me" Your response would send Keigo's heart rate through the roof as he wanted to just crash tackle you and hug you but he didnt as you were holding the bag off food. Once back at Hawk's Appartment the two of you would slump onto the couch and eat while starting the Friday the 13th movie series, which was where the two of you stayed for the rest of the night.

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