Part 1

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"I got a new job as an Photographer in west Asia", said my mother to our therapist.
"congratulations", she answered.

"thank you".

"and what is gonna happen to your daughters", the therapist asked.

"yeah Margot I wonder too", I said to my mother and my sister glanced at her.

My mother looked uncomfortable. "I asked an old friend to take care of them for some time", she said with a weird face.

" am I aloud to ask where ", summer asked In a sarcastic voice.

"in Australia"

"on a other fucking continent?", I asked a little to loud.

"you can't be serious about that", summer said and stood up.

"I'm not joking", our mother said.


As we left the airport a woman with her daughter and husband waited for us with a sign

"the look pretty cool", whispered the girl to her parents thinking we didn't hear her.

It made me smile a little.


In the car we sat at the back seats in the middle the girl. "so do you girls remember anything here", she asked.

"we have been gone since we were 4 so I don't have any memories ", summer answered.

"what do you guys need the most now", Abby asked us.

"signal", summer said.

"signal is only on the Rezeption point", told us thommo.

"honey blackshoulderd kite", he than said and the girl next to me stood up and looked out of summers window.

"so what do you think about bird watching its surprisingly cool", she said and at this point I dicided to call her little bird.

"there is a big surf competition this weekend that's why ari couldn't be here", Abby informed us.

"are you into surfing", little bird asked summer.

"no, but my sister is", she told her and looked at me.

"really?", Abby asked me.

"yeah I went almost every day surfing in New York".

"than you are right here", Abby said



"so were is the Rezeption point?", summer asked.

"it's over there. In the past we and ari watched Wales there", thommo told us.

"OK than I'm off to go", summer said and went with her skateboard.

"I'm going to check this here out", I said.

"Ok we will be here", little bird said.

I walked off and went in the direction beach. I put on my headphones and turned the music loud

"hey New here", someone pointed on my shoulder.

"fuck you scared the shit out of me", I said and put down my headphones.

"sorry didn't mean to", he said smiling.

"I'm Marlon"

"I'm ivy"

"your have an American accent. Where are you from?", he asked me and Leaned against the railing.

"I'm from New York and you?" I answered and asked back.

"I'm from here but actually from Brazil", he said.

The speaker voice said a number. "oh sorry that is mine", he said and turned around."nice to meet you" and he  walked off.

I went in a different direction.

"Hey I am poppy and this is bodhi" a girl walked to me with a smile.

" and you must be one of  the new American girls ", she said.

They seemed very friendly.

" yeah right, I'm ivy ", I said with a smile.

" so how long are you staying here? ", bodhi asked.

" idk as long as my mother is planning", I answered.

"mabey you want to come to the party to night and we could Get to know each other . You could bring your sister too and ari", poppy said.

"uhm yeah sure thank you", I answered.

"than see you later", they said  and I walked over to the beach with my headphones on.

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