Going out with a Bang

Start from the beginning

He looks down at you which makes you want to let go of his hand, thinking you made him uncomfortable but he squeezes your hand and looks up at the electronic numbers above the elevator. You relax slightly as the two of you wait in a comfortable silence for the elevator to arrive.

You find yourself hiding behind Chuuya when the door opens to reveal a tall greasy black haired man and blonde haired girl. Though Chuuya's face remained in a neutral expression he seemed to straighten himself up. You didn't try to make eye contact but somehow you and the young girl locked eyes. You held it as long as you could before blinking and continuing the staring contest. You noticed something when you lost the staring contest again. The girl didn't blink nor did she have a demon or angel over her shoulder.

"So this is Y/n?" You look away from the girl to find the tall greasy haired man looking down at you. Similar to the girl he also didn't have an angel or demon. He was looking at you like he was expecting an answer but you never heard a question directed at you. You try to move your feet slowly to get behind Chuuya, hoping to use him as a body shield.

"Yes it is. We're going out to the park for lunch." The red haired male answers for you.

"Well then Y/n, I'm Mori and this is Elise. Maybe you two could have a playdate sometime?" The greasy man, Mori, suggests, but you shake your head slightly.

"You're both weird, you don't have guardians." You mumble almost so quietly that even Chuuya, who was closest to you, almost didn't hear it. But he did, causing his neutral expression to flinch to a frown for a second before returning to neutral. He hoped Mori hadn't noticed.

"Pardon? I didn't quite catch that?" Mori says a confused frown on his face. You shake your head and grip tighter onto Chuuya's clothes, hiding your head behind him so the other two are completely blocked from view. "My my, you are very shy, maybe we'll have to come back to the playdate idea later huh?"

You nod even though the two couldn't see. Before the group could fall into an uncomfortable silence a ding sound signalled the elevator reaching one of the selected floors. Mori and Elise exit without a word, but Elise did look behind to look at you one more time before the doors closed again.

You visibly relax and Chuuya looks down at you. "That was my Boss and his... kid. You were going to meet him eventually but I didn't mean for you to meet him so soon."

You nod absentmindedly. Chuuya fell silent which you were happy about. You didn't really feel like talking anymore. The elevator let out a ding, signalling that you and Chuuya had finally reached the ground floor. The red head offered you his hand and you held onto it. You learned from your last trip out that he was a fast walker despite being shorter than the other adults.

You both make your way to the train station but as you arrive Chuuya stops in his tracks. You look up at him and see him frowning.

"Are you okay?" You ask pressing your body closer to the short man in hopes you wouldn't be pushed away from him by passing people. He blinks, now aware of his frown, and softens his expression as he down at you.

"I'm okay. How about we walk to the park instead? I believe we just missed the train and it would be just as fast to walk. If you get too tired I can always carry you?" Chuuya suggests. It was quite random and you had no idea why he suggested it but you nod anyway. "Great, then you can see a bit more of Yokohama as well."

You smile at the idea of seeing the area Chuuya lived in.

Chuuya had discovered that you were a very curious child. Once you had gotten over the fear that he wouldn't get mad at you for asking questions you had started asking what everything was. It was quite interesting to watch you look at everything with wide eyes. After running around the park and asking what everything was you had looked over to the river and power plant behind it.

"That is a power plant. It's what gives homes and shops electricity." Chuuya explains while you slurp your milkshake loudly. "And the bridge in front of it is the train line, where the train we would have caught goes along."

You nod, looking away from the tracks just as the train itself exits the tunnel and appears onto the bridge.


Your eyes widen and you run to Chuuya, who tries to give you a reassuring smile as you look to the train trying to find the source of the explosion.

"Don't worry, I don't think anybody was on that cart." He says to you. But he knew that at least one person was in that cart. Someone from the ADA. You looked up at him and then back to the train. There were no other explosions. You stared at the train which was slowly moving across the bridge.

"Why is it moving so slowly if it's faster than someone walking? Did the exposun slow it down?" You asked and Chuuya chuckles causing you to frown.

"It's said Ex-plo-shun not ex-po-sun. It only looks slow because its further away. IF we were close to it, it would look like its moving a lot faster." He explains

You stopped to think. He almost laughed at the way your face scrunched up while you were thinking. He was about to say something when another explosion made the both of you look up. Something was falling out of the train. Unsure if it was blown away by the explosion Chuuya tries to change your focus.

"Did you see that?" He asks, looking down at you. You look up at him and shake your head.

"Um... I heard it." You say going back to hugging his side. He looks down at you and smiles.

"Don't worry about it. And if anybody asks, the correct answer is no, no you didn't see anything. Now are we done here or do you want to keep playing." The red head asks looking up at the playground behind you.

"I wanna keep playing for a bit." You say with a determined smile so he gives in.

"Alright but don't be too long or we won't get another milkshake on the way home.


Chuuya was a great Dad...

Chuuya was bored of walking. He had known it was the safest option but he miscalculated how far the park was because he was distracted by you on the way there. But now with you hugging the side of his chest almost falling asleep while he carried you, it was very boring and tiring. He was half tempted to just fly upwards and go home. Wait..

"Hey Y/N?" Chuuya says, looking down at you. You look up at him with a curious and tired look. "Do you want to fly with me?" The look on your face was the most confused he had seen you apart from the train moving.

"Are you going to use your ability?" You ask and he nods already starting to glow red. You smile and he takes it as a yes. The ground cracks underneath him as he launches himself into the air with a chunk of the path underneath him. You look at how high you are and clutch into his chest before he encourages you that you were alright.

You look away from him and start to laugh genuinely at the clouds and scenery around you. Chuuya decided then that he would do anything to keep you safe and in his care. He hadn't felt that way since The Sheep.

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